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whip x grey

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Everything posted by whip x grey

  1. nice bitch.s there,,,,,,,, nice breeding a dog that can do it all,,,,,what more do u want, ,,,,,just dont bring those dog,s to kirkcaldy club racing,,,,,,or i might not win, ,,,they look like they have the gears, ,,,and the endless stamia
  2. here,s the web page to the best stud dog,s arvitised at momment on ,,,non ped racer,s i would say there a few not mentioned on here that are really good stud,,,that arent on internet on this page but if u cant get wor john ,there,s load with his breeding in whippet wise,,,and i think lurcher wise heres non ped whippet stud feature,,,,i think ull need to copy code,, then put in search ( i,e goggle ) it should take u right in JUST NOTICED LINKED WORKED,,,JUST CLICK ON IT,,,,HOPFULLY ULL FIND ONE NEAR U,,, http://www.k9community.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopi
  3. best going on k9 communtiy,,,,,,unsure but---think the guy passed away last year,,,( andy paterson ),,,,,,his wife might be able to help you out,,with dog
  4. my neibour brought his hip score for his inuit breed,,,it got range ---4 to 89,,,his dog scored 10 5 on each side,,,so he was over the moon but he got another page with it showing other dog breeds,,,,i looked greyhound or whippet not there,,( i dont think hip score matters with them 0 notice suliki on there---range --0-14 but what intrested me more was the diffrent dog breed,s,,,,i thought i knew most breed lol,,,,,but what the hell is a tibetan spaneil / kees hound/ sussex spaniel / aire dale terrir ,,the list goes on lol made me relise,,,,ive not even scratch the surfa
  5. :clapper: :notworthy: Totally agree with you Derbypoacher i am going to disagree with u lads,,,,,just slightly,,, but in a good way lads ,,,,ive had varyied sizes off whippet type,s lads,,,,but granted not pure whippet,,but i,e whippt crosses a 23in can out start a 19inch just as much as the other way about,,,,certainly over 50 yard mark the 23inch will have stamped its athurity on the dash,,,,,( I,E ONCE A 23INCH GET,S IT HEAD IN FRONT,,,19INCH DOESNT STAND A CHANCE ,,,SPEED WISE ) THATS A FACT,,( 22/23INCH CAN TURN VERY WELL AS WELL,,) BUT K,C PEDS,,22INCH
  6. yes i agree,,,gettin a bit much now,,,( there just young lads learning as they go it getten a bit like a ......... pic 1/2 best thing is to give advise,,,rather than having a go,,,,,eventally pll,s advise would sink in ,,,,U LEARN AS U GO,,,
  7. iam i reading this right ,,,as its early morning,,,,u want two pup,s at 12weeks for stud,,and a daily allowance for when bitch is in ur care,,at ur house till lining takes place,,,,, must be some stud dog u have,,
  8. nice looking dog mate,, 21 1/2 inch nice size,,,for hunting,,had a 3/4 whip 1/4 grey take roe,single handed,,,,23in (daytime ) my brother used to have smaller whippets ,,,hearts of lions,,,16lb to 22lb ,,but single handed ,,would not take adult roe,(day time ),,paired up maybe,but he didnt try them paired up,,,knew a 22/23lb whippet take 2/3 foxes,,,not sure if it was single handed,,,,but lass had no reason to lie,,,as it was a racing whippet,used for racing, and she would gain nothing for its his hunting exploits, (i,e bragging) november time was out at bro,s ,,,,,he grabbed the l
  9. when i take my dog,s to park in early morning,s,,,,,i cant resite,,,them having a go at wood piegons,,,,,my white/parti whippet has been the only one so far to catch,,i,e he used his brain and jumped 4/5 feet in air when piegon took off,,,,,my other dogs have been very vey close but no cigar (yet) as for other bird,s ,,,white/parti,,,nearly got a seagull about month ago all good fun thou,,,
  10. I totally agree Thomas, bigger doesn't always mean better. As you know i prefer a whippet with good bone, one that can take a knock or two in the field and just shake it off. I wouldn't want a whippet at 22-23" though as i believe you lose the early pace, just what whippets are known for.. It's a real shame that some folk seem to be favouring and breeding 22"+ whippets, some of which don't actually look like whippets. Some have apple heads and usually strong heads. There are a few of us that do try and breed to the standard, Elgadane,pennymeadow,and highisland to name a few. I was
  11. its just that mallys old bitch 21inch 35lb,,,,to my 28lber,,,27lb when racing,,,roughly same size,,,but 8/7lb diffrence,,,,in them,,,i thought wow thats quite alot 25% diffrence in weight,,,, between a ped and a non ped,,,,,,( it might be a splash off grey going threw the non peds,,makes the taller,,than the peds,,,( i thought a 1st peds might be heavier boned,,,not to sure ) i think it was intresting to see the weight diffrence ,,,,in ped and non ped,,,looks like their even more apart than i previouly thought
  12. I totally agree Thomas, bigger doesn't always mean better. As you know i prefer a whippet with good bone, one that can take a knock or two in the field and just shake it off. I wouldn't want a whippet at 22-23" though as i believe you lose the early pace, just what whippets are known for.. It's a real shame that some folk seem to be favouring and breeding 22"+ whippets, some of which don't actually look like whippets. Some have apple heads and usually strong heads. There are a few of us that do try and breed to the standard, Elgadane,pennymeadow,and highisland to name a few. I was
  13. when it comes to insurance,,,,,,i think its hit or miss i know a dog that died on vet,s table,,,,vet bill was £700,,,,stinger if u had to pay that for a dead dogs treatment ,, the guy got £500 ,,,cos dog died i,e was able to go buy another,,,,not his choice at end off the day,,,but it was peace off mind (not saying too much on here,,,but if ur vet ok,,,he will add excese on to bill so u dont have to pay a penny ) but its all down to what happen,,,,ive got 2 out off my 3 insured,,,and 1 off them has not needed work,,1 has ( i think its down to peace off mind,,,,if
  14. ALL nice looking whippets on this thread keep the photos comiming
  15. i think the younger the dog is the cheaper i think i was £6.50,,a month,,,think it as went u to £7.50,,that was over 4 years make sure ur got accidental cover,,noticed years ago some didnt,,uless u payed more most companys pretty much cover the same,,,,,dog stolen/ broken bones/ illness,,,reward money e,t,c try compared. com web site,,,u might get a deal on there,,,,read small print make sure ur covered for what u want
  16. nice looking pup,s mate racing , hunting or showing ,,,,think these pup,s will do it all hard to put pup,s on here out off a non ped,,,,,but then u only have to look at country music / mo evil / son off a bitch / dennies the meannis/ sugar daddy / red ranger/ jack the lad ,,,,for brains master blaster / slipper,,,,,booker t - nice hare dog , brillant at bolting rabbits,,,,,,,bleive me guy,s the list goes on,,and on ( HARD BLOODS ) and on casino / hellbound,,,,feck me i better stop as i will fill the whole page with names ---- nice to see u adding extra blood to the lur
  17. i have a lead for my fawn dog,,,bought from whippet track were the collar,,,is part off lead,,,,were is u just slip over dog,,,and when u let dog out for a run or hunt it slips off,,,,at 1st i thought these lead,s with collars attached to lead were sh~t,,,but they are actaully really good,,,, bought two more ,,,,my younger brother stole them they must of been good for a tenner each i couldnt arugue,,,,( always better dogs hunting without a collar on,,,some old boys used to say there back legs used to catch collars when in full flight thou i never seen this happen,,,i think it was old wife
  18. one year i went up to brother,s house when he stayed up the glen,,,loads off rabbits up there on the hill,,,,but the snow had been lying there for weeks,,,,the rabbits were coming down off the hill to the road side to find food,,,,my dog caught one,,wasnt much of a chase as snow was really deep,,,,at closer expection of the rabbit, there wasnt much meat on it, just a bag of bones,,,walked on abit more same another bag of bones retrived and more rabbits at road side not moving much, probably cause they were starving and deep snow,,,put dog on lead as it wasnt sport but rabbits always bounce
  19. i dont know why i was taught ,,,,egg whites ,,,, i think it was it was full off protin,,,the other was full off colestral,,,,not sure might have got it mixed about,,,,,no matter to me as i dont feed my dogs eggs lol,,,,,as i like an egg sandwich and i dont share lol
  20. 2nd post is spot on,,,,if u want to feed dogs egg,s on reaglar basises,,,,,just the egg white, ,, not the egg yellow part, thats the way i was taught,,,never asked questions as i was good boy---- but gather there was reason to this,when the older guys taught me, :showoff:
  21. never had a whippet that yapped after prey,,,,,,but its my worst nightmare when the day comes..........i say that because it can happen to anyone,,the same as a fighter in racing,, its down to luck, and how the pup adapts to training,,,,,some whippets brains are full off worms,nothing u can do,,in worst case senaro,could set of ur other dogs to yapp also, espesally ur younger ones if out hunting toghter
  22. back on topic the blue whippet in photo ( IN MIDDLE OFF PICTURE ),,,would take roe,,,, her name was bess 36 lber out of midnight boy x bally storm,,,,,i know she,s not kc,,,,but it does take a GOOD whippet type to take bigger game ,,,,theve either got it or they dont,,,,,,,,,,,,sadly i gave this whippet to an old lady ,,,who,s dog got run over and wanted a whippet type,,, ,and my brother,s still to this day,,,,,,,, give me stick FOR THIS,,for her hunting abbilitiy,,and her bend racing abbillitiy ,,,,but hey, but i had 3 dogs,,old lady had nothing,,she go
  23. there,s a whippet track at cumnock ,,east aryshire w,r,c,,,,,,,,that run in summer that would let ur lurcher trail,,,,,,, and kincarden w,r,c would also and kirkcaldy w,r,c,,,,,,,,,in summer months,,,,,,,,,,,i supplied the lure at lurcher meeting this year ,,think it was april or may ,,,,,its good to see dog,s gettin a run,,,although its just a lure there chasing,,,,they dont have love it ,,beats sitting in a kennel all summer good luck lads,,,ur on the right track ,,,making sure ur hunting dog,s get plenty off excise in the summer months
  24. noticed most post,s on here said 4/5 year old in racing for speed is 3 year old,,when most dog,s reach there peak so 4/5 year old,,,,seem,s 100% right for hunting ,,,as they will have speed and most imortantly brains,,,,,i,e as young dogs tend to be too flightly and over keen ,,i,e make too many mistake,s thats why i cant understand peoples gettin rid off dog,s under 3 year old weather it be racing or hunting,,,as the dog,s havent mastered there trade by then,,,and pll,s dont give them the benifit off doubt till they learn there trade,,,i,e it takes time ,,,even if dog was
  25. nice photos,,, glen clova ,,,that were my old man keeper,s,now was up there in summer,,,,,drinking in the hotel, ,,,must off been a good night,,,cant remember much,,,woke up in one off the bunks lol,,,tryed to walk up loch brandy with a very strong hangover with the dogs,,,,didnt make it lol,,and that was one off the smaller hill,s lol my brother,s used to work in hotel,,,think my mither still does great place glen clova,,,totally diffrent way of life up there keep meaning to get up there for the beer fest,,held in summer,,maybe one day lol
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