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whip x grey

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Everything posted by whip x grey

  1. i know i was meant & did say ill put on country music,,history,,,not quite got round to it , and drawing a veiw blanks ,,,but not all just short off veiw photo,s ive only got one off him at champs,,his 2nd title ,,i dont see any but however i do have very very rare photo off two whips,,,the great rch haymaker,,who mated more ped whips than most kc uk whippeteer,s will addmitt but is in whippet archive his line is still going in kc french lines and non,ped 2nd dog is sing on (chalkwarran is big fan off sing on,s offspring --i,e sire to country music ,,,my old man says one off the
  2. Hi mate, I made lots of copies and handed them out to people who were around at the time,(1972 I think). I still see some of the people who were on that film, and the lad that had Sally is now into horses and still keeps a Beddy/Whippet around his stables. Sally was only around 26lb and had pleanty Collie in her and could catch a hare, and as he says on the film, she did 8.70's for 150yds, not a bad time for what was essentialy a Lurcher, back then !! I've been to Westerhope Whippets this morning, and will be at the Rising Sun tomorrow, but it's nothing like back then !! Cheers. Cheers
  3. Hi mate, I made lots of copies and handed them out to people who were around at the time,(1972 I think). I still see some of the people who were on that film, and the lad that had Sally is now into horses and still keeps a Beddy/Whippet around his stables. Sally was only around 26lb and had pleanty Collie in her and could catch a hare, and as he says on the film, she did 8.70's for 150yds, not a bad time for what was essentialy a Lurcher, back then !! I've been to Westerhope Whippets this morning, and will be at the Rising Sun tomorrow, but it's nothing like back then !! Cheers. Cheers
  4. i will try,,,dvd,s 28mins long,,,,,chartploski was good enough to send me a copy,,,and my hats off to him for keeping footage all those years or it might have been lost forever,,,i think he,s gave few dvds out down south to whippet pll,s ( just incase i cant get the next 18mins on ,,as 2nd half is better 1st part was really a intro ,,,ive tryed utube ,dvd too long to upload,,,my photobucket will only save 1st 10mins i like the program as gives a good insight on pll,s back in the 70,s ,,,off the geordie,s ( miner,s or xminers ) its tv gold i will try to get next parts on,,,but i ne
  5. ive got a saturday film for the guys on here,,,only 10min,s worth as i havent worked out how to get full program on yet,,,,so hopfully next week ill have part two on lol its old program almost 40years ago,,,,from newcastle rising sun 1973,,,next week might be able to work out to put on next part here video ,,,i know its not hunting ,,,but maybe a good watch for some and a bit off history to the breed takes about 50secound,s before program starts
  6. got a few more photo,s off grews /lurcher,s from my spotlight magazines from 1980,s,,,,so i thought no point lying in my cupboard,,,when there might be a few guys on here that might be in them and there might be dog,s in photos ,guys might have breed from in past
  7. why would you need to do that to catch rabbits? any whippet or greyhound crossed with any working dog will do the job?most greyhounds are fast enough to catch stuff,now if your saying only use coursing greyhounds,,, why cos crossing with any dog dose not make it 100% that its going to work :icon_eek:you can cross best with best nd get nowt,to match sire or dam,its not time nd speed thats needed in the hunting field...atb mick iam not aware the guys on here only catch rabbits???????,,,,yes most greyhounds will do job crossed,,,,but most guys dont want a 275yrd sprint grey bitch to breed
  8. why would you need to do that to catch rabbits? any whippet or greyhound crossed with any working dog will do the job?most greyhounds are fast enough to catch stuff,now if your saying only use coursing greyhounds,,, why cos crossing with any dog dose not make it 100% that its going to work :icon_eek:you can cross best with best nd get nowt,to match sire or dam,its not time nd speed thats needed in the hunting field...atb mick iam not aware the guys on here only catch rabbits???????,,,,yes most greyhounds will do job crossed,,,,but most guys dont want a 275yrd sprint grey bitch to breed
  9. blame the older generation in the lurcher world,,,,,they took coursing grey for granted,,,,,now there is mostly only track greys as they have to move with the time,s when lurcher guys in past probably let many working greys slip threw there hands thinking ,,,there would be loads for years to come greyhound guys will never be blamed for this as they still keep greys and record the lines in database,and have no choice but to move with times,,,lurcher guys dont keep or record much off there own lines,,ive said in other topic,s,,,maybe if lurcher guys produced there own data base,,,,they w
  10. i didnt relise that was a video clip,,,,iam abit thick, ,,,very impressive for 7month old dog,,,,,bearing in mind even dogs that ran in waterloo cup videos didnt always catch,,,,,, daytime--- grews are one off the best in smaller feilds,,,,as they have the speed to turn game back in feild ,for all too see ,,,rather than out off sight
  11. so are they just lurchers then some of them YOU stop trying to start on a argument in a so far non argument topic (so far ) in alot off ways u have apoint yes they were sort off lurcher,s before they were longdog,s and highly tuned for speed (just whips and greys-- but thats not a bad thing,,) ive been invited out in 2weeks with my grews,,,,ill take my old white one ,,,and they might be a few more recent pic,s off him then ,,,ill take my pocket cam corder with me ,,,but iam sh@te with it but ill try,,,,if there,s game to be had on the day,,,ill see if i can get few pic,s up,,,,
  12. i got dvd charploski was good enough to send up to me ,,,,there was 1/4collie type on there that did well on racing track,,,and maybe othere thing,s,,,the dvd if anything was a good insight back then ,on how well they looked after there dog,s , the betting side out for mooch , and the passion they had for there dogs well being,,,,the women did take it abit far on program treating them like there babies lol,,,they still do that 2day lol it was at rising sun , the training , the feeding ,racing the people back then ect ect ,,,if anything good tips for any young running dog owner,s on how they ge
  13. lol,,,,we would send down a scratch racer for ya,,,,but best not,,,dont want u showing up at ur local whippet track and kicking there ass,,lol on other post , on ur old whippet out off blue boy,,,is it the same blue boy , that was in a race ,,when rch snow flake slipped its lead ,,,and hit blue boy killing him ???? 1968 -1967 ??? edlington w,r,c i read it somwhere in an old whippet magazine
  14. some do ,,,some dont wrap them up in cotton wool,,,,,some will let there,s hunt , again some dont but most watch where there running,,,like ive said maybe on previous topic,s my neibours whip/grew ,now nearing 3 year old racing breed has been brought up as just a pure rabbiting dog,,,the one thing he was worried about was the stamia issue,,,but when u go out say 4 nights aweek,,,there is no stamia issue,,,as ive asked him ,,as he own worked peds,,,what the stamia diffrence to ur peds u had in past,,,he,s said to be honest, when the non ped is working fitt , there,s not alot,,there is a sp
  15. who,s the dodgy looking charcter with the brindle bitch on the right
  16. just from old whippet mags & whippet spolight mags
  17. last one me thinks for a while lol,,,,( will hay , racer and hare courser ) used to stud in lurcher world and just a few random pic off lurchers that was on the other page ( slightly off topic, but who cares lol
  18. yeah thats right ,,,there a big write up about him,,,,he was basically a stray till he was bought maybe the kids got the fiver
  19. irish tinker ,,lurcher pups in ,s,,,,collie/grey . deer/grey x whippet/grey irish tinker was out off haymaker and wishy was ,irish tinker was sire to bonnie tinker, and the rest was history as they say, ,,,i wonder how much those lurcher pup,s would be worth now if mating was 2day lol
  21. IAM not getting to put photo,s up maybe photobucket and htl have banned me kidding,,,ill try one more time black recking it
  22. bob was it casino ect that was in this bitch optimus owned do you no he might have said to you about her breding mate cheers YEAH optimus has indian joe and casino non ped grew,s in his sal/grey dog,s breeding,,,,,ive had many photo,s off optimus pre ban & shot and retrived, ( long ears / charlie / bambie ) of his dogs over the years , he likes dogs with wind and dogs to punch up the gears when needed,or push the last gear if game near escaping ,,,never seen any rabbit photo,s thou ,,,its not his game ( i,e shooting ) i think 1st two in photo, have the grews in bree
  23. now what kind off guy would i be if i didnt add just alittle more off the oldies, some of the legends ( not all there just too many ) on for u bunnys,,, they were before my time but not my oldmans and other,s i know,,most here were racing round about when i was born or not even thought about lol ,,, ,,,,they were some of the bench mark to the breeding off the grews we have now
  24. ive got few photos off rabbits mate ,,,,but its hard to take dogs out with camera ,,,i did take video camera once or twice dogs hunting but daytime it was a bit blank,,,,,,i do regret not taking camera off blue bitch at the roe,,,but that would not be leagal,,,as she was after ban,,,,there loads off folk on here that have sent me pic,s off there dogs ( i,e hardbloods or lurcher x hardbloods doing there job,,,but they would never show on here,,,after ban was in place and they keep themselfs to themself,s its just the way they are i do have alot more ,,,but i have two photo bucket account
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