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whip x grey

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Everything posted by whip x grey

  1. not me it you and jim ,,,stirring the wooden spoon
  2. cheers geoff i showed my sarah,,she said i stole that photo of internet so here,s the no so good shot that came after 1st shot,,,as u can see sarah its the same mr bee
  3. i bit windy 2day,,,i was suprised i managed to catch shot,,,flower blowing all over the place lol snap shot from my shaky hangover hands lol
  4. He's no intrested in fishing any mare bob it's a aboot the dug lol I was speaking to sye his pal and he's getting thrown of the Scottish team i got told he only catches eel,s anyhow,,lol
  5. iam not touchy i dont see the need to show my dogs tricks,,,,when they have the speed to put game back into there favour i understand the need to jump,,,such as haymins mist,,,slower and doesnt make the ground up as fast dont get me wrong,,,back in my day ,,,it was £1 a stitch,,,now feck knows,,,lol pleantly running x hare dogs do it ,,,cut game off from cover /fence and bring back into play,,,,there my type off dog,,,,not lamping not slow,,,just an honest fast running dog at there graft, no fancy tricks but we are all diffrent p,s enjoy your fishing comp scott,,,,me an
  6. remeber uve only had pup a week,,,,it will be abit shy in new place,,,,what u should be doing is trying to gain its trust,,play with her to get her to come out her shell,,,if that means u have to roll about the grass so be it then start her training ,,,and there,s no rush ,,everything will click into place,,just be patient
  7. dont want my dugs jumping ,,,my choice allthou they did jump few nights back when scott was there,,,i pefer they dont,,,ive seen 1st hand the mess a dog can get into when it goes wrong when stayed out at chapleton in 1989,,,67 stiches ouch and the pest controller with sister with haymins pup,,aint training his to jump either,, i think he,s been down that road aswell,,if it gets away ,,,gets away,, perfers a dog that learns to cut,s game off from making the fence,,and a non jumper does learn that trick eventally,if half a brain lol
  8. ask some of your pals little man i'm maybe a helmet but i'm a 6 foot 5 17 stone helmet yip,,,,but yer still a helmet :laugh: :laugh: u cant argue with the general
  9. missed yerself 2night haymin bumped into yer pups sister,,another rabbit trapper,,alot off the litter went to rabbit trappers,,no pressrue for ur pup ,,,,and me and scott had fun later on golf course but since he got that new camera ,,,it takes twice as long to walk,,,taking pics off flower,s ,,,jesus :laugh:
  10. nice clear photos scott,,,,must be decent camera u got
  11. yip ,,catches tennis balls
  12. pricked ears ,,,lol,,,cant have kc whippet in her lol looking good ,,,
  13. the funny thing in all this those who do breed these litter,s after litters for inflated prices ,,,are probab;y reading this thinking we are all jelous, cos there coin,ing it in the fact is, i seen folk go down this way in past some really good dog men,,and when they go down that path, they no turning back, the coin becomes more to them than the dogs themself, but hayho that life as they say,,the biggest losers is the quality off the dogs on the ground
  14. BLOODY HELL,,,,12month 1st season,,,k,c let ya breed the pants off a bitch,,,,well iam glad no k,c breeder,s ever got any off my money,,,,wouldnt own one ,even if it was free and buyer,s support k,c ,,,when every time they buy a pup with paper,s,,hang yer head in shame,,
  15. bitch as to be 12 month old at time of mating , can only register 4 litters out of a bitch unless prior permission from kc is given before mating (cant see that happening with popular breeds) and johnny2 the injection dont always work .... pups should of been gifted or £50 at max imo you can get kc reg whippets over here for £150 you sure its 12month for kc,,bitch to breed from under k,c,,,,,,,,i thought it was 24month,,,,either way,still too young
  16. iam not sure but,,,i do notice , kc whips gettin breed but cant reg , as bitch is only aloud to have so many litter,s under kc rules,,and brood bitch has to be over 2 yearold or somthing to reg any of her pups,,,,so there lie,s a problem,,,so now breeders will lie on who the parents are ,more than usual i would swerve them now ,,,unless you know guy or folk vouch for them,,its defo a buyers beware market, and a breeder,s heaven £$£
  17. what gets me , is 1st season not excactly a 48hour thing,,,,how can he not tell when bitch pup was not in season ,or was it winter nights and we dont check dogs over we just throw food bowl in,,tut tut ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
  18. wish i never asked now, next question
  19. I know ) yea going go down tomorrow with the bairns are you rosettee,y I know ) yea going go down tomorrow with the bairns are you rosettee,y hunter,s my little spy tell,s me yer introducing her to a wee jump haymin,,,,video then ????
  20. no bother rory,,,, she,ll do alright with you
  21. well there you go,,,,ive said it once ive said it 100 times on here,,,kc whips,,,are all about the coin ££££ opps and ive said it again
  22. seen in local paper this week ,,,,park might get fixed,after that event after the monster trucks,,,they really messed it up lol once they fix it,,,we will be back on hopfully ,,,when i dont know???
  23. its cause the dont want the job,,,,but they have to be seen looking and going on odd interveiw,,,or there benifits get hit know loads off folk ,inpast did this when job centre was forcing them back to work,,,trust me them boys know how to act,,,they would win an oscar
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