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Everything posted by jonnyboi

  1. Going to be with aa s410 carbine. thanks, Jonny
  2. Hi everyone, I've recently decided that I want a new scope, one which has illuminated recticals and came across this one; http://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/proddetai...41650AOcentreIR Does any of you guys know what they are like? Thanks, Jonny
  3. thanks for all the advice, I'll give them all a try
  4. cheers chaps Got a question for you guys, isnt a shotgun a bit too loud for a dog as they have very sensitive hearing, where should i have him when i take a shot? thanks, Jonny
  5. Alright guys, Went out this morning for an hour and managed to get these pigeons with the help of my dog. Jonny
  6. i have a 2 year old black lab, from a working bloodline.. the problem is he's over eager, and get super excited everytime he hears gunshot, he'll retrieve anything dead or alive, on land or water... what training tip can you guys give me to make him steady, without putting a dampener on his enthusiasm? Cheers chaps
  7. This is a picture of my first Roebuck. we spotted him feeding in a field just over a mile away before starting the long stalk... and the rest is as they say 'History!' we have seen a bigger buck hanging around in the area, hope to catch up with him later in the season. Watch this Space!
  8. Hi guys, Was just wondering if anyone could tell me what to do when filling my air rifle as I've just bought a 12litre 232 bar dive bottle. cheers, Jonny
  9. Hi everyone, Finally got my air rifle back Took it to the local gun shop and the guy fitted one of the newer air arms silencers on for me for 30 quid, much much quite than the previous one thanks for the replies, Jonny
  10. I'll have a go with the heat method then. Thank you Jonny
  11. Its a air arms s410 carbine. I'll have to take it to the gun shop tomorrow then cheers for the fast reply Jonny
  12. Hi everyone I was screwing on the silencer the other day and I managed to snap off the adaptor The question is, does anyone know how to remove the adaptor if its loctited onto the main barrel. the reason for loctiting was that the thread had gone on the little grub screw. Would I have to replace the whole barrel? thanks, Jonny
  13. I'm currently using the air arms one on my s410 carbine, which is pretty quite to be fair hope this helps
  14. Got another two just over an hour ago thanks for looking
  15. averaging around 30-35 yards cheers
  16. LOL, Nope, just aimed for its head using accupell pellets Here is another one I shot yesterday cheers
  17. What a crap nights out shooting!!!! As I got to the shoot, parked up the car, unloaded the gun and everything and managed to lock the car keys in the car!!! What a plonker!!! hahahahaha Got help from the farmer though, so its all sorted now I'll have to go again tomorrow
  18. thanks everyone I'm probably off tonight again and hopefully get some more pics for you guys. Cheers
  19. @ SEAN Its a simmons 1.5-5x20 whitetail classic, a brilliant scope!! @ celticwar Unfortunately not, the farmer had them instead, not a fan of rabbit cheers lads
  20. Went out for a bit on my new permission and got these two rabbits thanks for looking
  21. Might be the valve leaking, where you fill it up. I had a similar problem with my s410 as the gas was too low. Not 100% sure though jonny
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