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About jonnyboi

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 22/11/1990

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  1. Hi guys, As the title says, I can only go out shooting with the .22 rimmy and the .222 if there is someone around with me who has a full FAC certificate. The FAO told me that I'll have to write to their department if I wanted my cert. to be changed so that I can go out by myself. My question is, what could/should I include in the letter. thanks, Jonny
  2. Alight guys, Went out for an hour or so hoping to get some bunnies and this little bugger appeared; Shot at 57 yards in the chest, went down like a sack of poo, my first ever fox, well pleased Jonny
  3. yeah it is, brilliant little gun! Jonny
  4. Alright guys, Decided to head out to one of my permissions and managed to bag these. The top one what shot at 158 yards, which I thought was pretty impressive, if I have to say so myself haha Jonny
  5. Hi guys, When cleaning a .22 barrel, should I be using a copper brush to run through it or just use the white cleaning pads? Also, do I need to apply any gun cleaning oils when cleaning the barrel. Jonny
  6. I use AA fields aswell, very good
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