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Yorkshire Whippet

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Whippet

  1. Can you help me in which is the best range finder to buy for my airgunning. There is so many out there, your'e advice would be appreciated. Many Thanks
  2. I have a TheobenSirocco .22, bought it after a long absence from air rifle shooting. Its a cracking gun. I upgraded to a Falcon Fn12, and needed to part ex the Theoben to pay for it. But couldn't bare to part with it, so told the wife the Fn was on offer and hid the bank statement!! I let my boy use it now, and he loves it. He's had quite a few rabbits with it and got his first couple of rats the other night. The Theoben uses a gas ram system instead of a spring, which means it can be cocked for long periods of time without any loss in power.
  3. Hello to you all. This is a first for me, as never been on a forum before. Had a browse through the forums, and you all seem a friendly, informative bunch. I am a airgun user and have Theoben Sirocco .22, 4 x 32 scope, which my boy tends to use and Falcon Raptor FN12 with walnut skeleton stock .22, BSA Esscential 4-12 x 44 mil dot, AA 5.52 field. Don't know if the following question should be a new Post:- I use most of what I shoot, but am at loss as to what to do with the rabbit pelts. At the mo they go to a friends ferrets. But seems a waste to me. Anyone have an
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