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Posts posted by abelfruitcake

  1. ive got 2 staff pups here now !!! did have 8 went to see a mate i knew his neighbour had pups asked to have a look , they had no food water living in shed an inch thick in shit !!!! riddled with fleas missive bellies full of worms bags of bones , took them of him tlc and a lot of food bit of medication and they are brand new , i couldnt just walk away the c###ts just dont give a f**k !!!! theyre now in new homes just asked for a bit to cover my costs . now theye loonatics !!!

    nice one mate think i would of have to done the same.

  2. i have got that scope on my AAs400 was a bit scepitcal about it at first. But its very good, clarity is excellent it has some good lenses in it. I dont think you can wrong for that price. It has been on my gun a couple of years now and i have no plans to change it yet.

  3. i bought my 95 second hand from a gun shop 4 years ago. i also have a AA s400k. And i use the 95 more than the s400. The 97 is a very good gun but is a tad on the heavey side. See if you can try both guns and then make your mind up. you will not be dissapointed with a weihrauch solid built guns that will last a long time.It may be worth considering a venom tuning kit at some time in the future. As they make a hell of of difference very smooth with hardly any recoil.

  4. just connect the xbox straight to your router. it aint hard mate i managed to do it and things like that usually confuse the hell out of me.you dont need any special programmes. this site is a good one if you need any help. www.xbox-scene.com. hope this is of any use to you mate

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