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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Like with bunnies Roger, if they are hit in the head (large brain area called the cerebrum) then their nervous system gets crosswired and they kick and flap about, but essentially they are dead Even better if hit in the head by a .22 as this makes a much greater sized hole and damages more of the grey matter, but they can still flap or kick about, same be said with a .38 through the head with a catty Now if you can accurately take out or lets say decimate the little brain (cerabellum) towards the rear of the head under the ear, the animal will drop like a lead balloon. The cerabellum is
  2. Hi Bob, Seems we are at odds yet again :oops: My Ultra was tested by a Firearms Officer with a caliberated Chronograph at Queens Gardens Police Station's Range. It was not sent anywhere else. I had his written Statement read out to me before I was offered the Caution. Nor did they take any of my own pellets. They used their own selections. Tony
  3. Not quite as simple as that I'm affraid. All speciese of animal and birds are protected by law. You need a genuine lawful reason to kill them It's a minefield that needs to be navigated very carefully and above all legally. If you've got it all covered then your sorted. Are they sh!tting everywhere and in enough volume to cause a hazard to human and livestock health? Are they raiding you veg patch? Are the tree rats getting into your home and causing damage and destruction? Houses have gone up in flames when they have been chewing through the electrical wiring you know! If so or the
  4. Customs do not use and "Independant" tester. They may send it to the Forensic Firearms Place (forget exactly where it is exactly; but its the same place that the instructor kept live ammo in a Quality Street tin and managed to shoot on of his students! thinking it was inert! :FFS: ) Tony ps I know their "Health and Safety Expert" I've shot against her in pistol comps
  5. OIY Welshie yington chinky man! AWSOME shot, fell like a lead lined fecking Hindenburg :laugh: :laugh: Nicely hit Sir Daz Whispers in ear like (just a lil question! What's "TTR' mean? ) Tony
  6. No they won't allow it to be reduced once it's hot, it's FAC for LIFE! I asked about it being sent back to the manufacturer for "Re-manufacturing" but they wouldn't have it. I -DO- have a legal "Hairsplitter" though that with the help of BASC I may be able to pull off Mine was running at 13.04 but they told me I have to apply for my FAC in order to take 'Possession' of the gun. (I just dont have any land that can be classed as FAC legal) yet, My hair splitter is that the serial number is on the action/block. If I have the 'block' (power-delivery system) destroyed and have another one mad
  7. If I'm correct, they can not destroy the gun without either a court order or your consent (of course your consent goes outta the window, if your charged with importing an illegal gun and then found guilty in a court of law). My gun is still in the Firearms safe in the police station, after six months they wrote to me to ask if they could destroy it, i said "No fecking way" and they said the they wont/cant destroy it without my consent Tony
  8. Where's meey name gone like? K'in Geordies!!! Yah just can ne get the staff like nowa days man Tony
  9. Amused me for 60 seconds Got the last of those books through today Mike Should have that project finished by mid week Tony
  10. Daz, You should see what me and Davy each have coming on the 16th Feb . 2 very very very special rifles . The first two of their kind in the world that started life as a already proven rifle but now getting the final stages of their customising designs and new never seen before internals that have just been invented. Watch this space but the rifles have been named after our channel by the designer . More to follow next year. Superb Si But With Davy being a Southern Monkey is His stock made out of Balsa Wood for His Noodle Arms and is it Painted Pink. :laugh
  11. to be honest what with all the graham shite and the same questions asked time and time again i was starting to wonder why i bother looking on this forum at all! well this is he reason why its because there are a lot of knowledgable genuine top blokes on here no mistake. to be fair ! i think that goes for many of us too BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the newer shooters need us Indeed I have made some amazing personal friends on this forum, as well as some amazing 'cyber friends' Si, Laura, Gary, Davy, Darryl, Woodworm1972, Whizzie, Stealthy, just to name a tiny few. Lifelon
  12. Welcome home Gary Now borrow a rifle and go get em
  13. I use flowers in my cemetery permission. But they dont work in the paddocks! you could leave veg peelings or dried rsbbit food out, but initially they wont touch it. Takes a good while for em to cotten on to it as a food source Tony
  14. Not savvy? Id say he is a tosser. Fuckwit even Gutted is an understatement Tony
  15. Nice one Mike, Cant beat a bit of Cajun. I shot my first Woodcock and my first Hare yesterday. In the states a Hare is called a "Jack Rabbit" and part of it is going into a Jambalaya too Tony
  16. Brilliant filming, brilliant shooting And as you said at the end, it's the best example to give young, old and new shooters Tony
  17. LOL Funnily enough following your link was the first time I've viewed their site as well Bit crap aint it :laugh: :laugh:
  18. You been sleeping for the last month Kurt? :laugh: Tis rather old news now. Last I heard someone in the UK had agreed to be the importer to the UK of the parts, so they dont dry up. Tony
  19. PM DavyT63 he may have a spare or Darryl aka Marksman he may have a spare as well
  20. The Twink mkII is great, far better than the bog standard AA one If you like a bit of extra length, then the X3 is an exceptional silener. Then of course there is the Marxman Tony Moxy is here| now be told Craig :laugh: <--------------|
  21. This scope is fixed Parallax I think. You need to point the scope at a plain background and focus the crosshair using the eyebell dioptre correction ring (closest your eye). Once it is pin sharp the croshair will remain sharp throughout the mag range as will the sight picture (target) Your eyes may focus on the target at first, but once its perfectly set for your eye, the croshair should look like it is printed onto the background Tony
  22. Wobbly bipod? Or quite possibly Paralax error caused by your eye positioning when shooting in the prone position. Do you zero on the bench with a bipod? Tony
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