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Posts posted by logman

  1. WELL ,








    COCAINE BLUES :guitar:




    Duck wing, you are a man with exceptional taste :D


    As i would prefer a dog/bitch of say 1-3 years of age to a pup, do you lads think that a terrier who has not made the grade below ground would suit my needs? Would need to have plenty of voice. Do you think then that a Russel would be the best option ....?


    Yes! Absolutley. A terrier known to have 'Jibbed' is the best damn thing you could ever hope for, under your conditions. A Jack would be the best type to look for too.


    Why do I say that? Well, One: Because I've been there. TWO: Because Jack's are often amongst the noisiest little b*stards there are. THREE: Because their predominantly white coats are a blessing when you're trying to keep a fix on them, in amongst those bramble patches. Snatching the odd glimpse of white is just easier than with black or tan.


    Now your problem will be finding a well and truly jibbed Dog ~ one guaranteed not to find a damn hole amongst some huge cover and go disapearing down it, thus leaving you with a whole heap of pain ~ yet which some fanatical purist hasn't long since beaten to death with a spade.


    I got lucky. I managed to find just such a Dog. And, by christ, then I started having some Real fun in my life! :D




    Best of luck in your search, mate ;)

    Cheers for the Advice DC :)

    Thats pretty much the lines ive been thinking along myself.

    Totally agree with you on the colour front.In january once all the bracken has died back it can be really dificult to spot the black or brown dogs at all!

    I agree with the Russels voice to-perfect for my needs really.

    My next problem is, all the guys i know who work their dogs have Fell types of one sort or another.I have to admit its been a long time since i saw anyone working Russels down my way :(

    This is sad as the reverend himself hunted with my local pack,The Fourburrow, every year and ive read that a long extinct local type called the Scorrier hunt terrier was mixed in to his early stock.Scorrier is wher the Fourburrow kennels are an about a mile from my place.

    Anyway the search goes on.


    Agree with Nelson, a Beagle would be ideal and you would not need to worry about it going to ground !!! and they are very vocal.......

    I do like the look of beagles but cant honestly say i know much about them.

    I would have thought thet a cople or more though would be needed to give ther best performance in the field, is that right?

  3. Good thread Moll :)

    Funny but one of my favourite birds that always makes me think of summer is the Skylark, i love their song but come to think of it ive never actually seen the bird!

    Adders are reasonably easy to see down here in Cornwall and i spotted a lizard a couple of years ago too.

    This is going to sound ridiculous but ive never actually seen a hare :icon_redface: there is only about 2 of the buggers in Cornwall and im afraid going to Devon is like going abroad to me!

    Quite a few deer down here though :ph34r:

  4. russels can be very vocal,but so can patterdales depending if you do a lot of bushing with the spaniel and want a buddy to work alongside the spaniel if you want an allround game little dog then a patterdale isnt a bad choice, me myself i have my border terrier bushing with the lurchers she does well but she aint very vocal in saying that she is great on marking and disposing of rats and does well on bunnies for marking both would make ideal companions but the borders are more quiet and dont venture to far away.

    My current terrier is 3/4Pat 1/4 Border



    Heres a pick of her and my springer/bedlington

    I do find the pat vocal :)

    I really like borders but there just to pricey for me and everyone else i know with working dogs :(

    Cheers for the advice Marko

  5. for purwe get you wankerd filth its either KESTRLE SUPER or WHITE LIGHTNING

    When i was younger we wouldnt have been seen dead drinking white lightning, it was always frosty jacks :11:

    What about snake bite and black? A killer

  6. Right, during the season i get out with my terrier, my terrier/ spaniel and a couple of lurchers, cover hunting/bushing a couple of times a week.

    I ve got some large areas of downs over which i can hunt, and after much deliberation, ive decided another terrier is needed to complete my little pack.Ive got the kennel space and the work needed for another dog.

    So a couple of questions.

    As i would prefer a dog/bitch of say 1-3 years of age to a pup, do you lads think that a terrier who has not made the grade below ground would suit my needs?

    If so do any of you know of such an animal in need of a good working home(bushing and a little rating)

    Although my terrier will give voice, the spaniel/terrier is Bedlington/springer and is totally mute which isnt ideal for the way i hunt and the ground i work,so any new addition would need to have plenty of voice.

    Do you think then that a Russel would be the best option or would the other breeds be just as suitable.

    Thanks in advance ;)

  7. Well done for the weekend :clapper:

    The pups are looking good.

    I think that its good to see somone like yourself who actually works their dogs do well at shows, as i dont think the majority of people who were there on the weekend do.

    That trophy cabinet must be getting pretty full now :whistle: :11:

  8. :) Im going to have a look again later myself, more wind about than last night.

    Well, got out In the first field, turned on the lamp, and in came the mist :(

    Still managed this one though,



    One for the pot :)

    The landlord down my local offerd to buy my rabbits from me.What do ypu thinks a fair price, gutted and skinned?

  9. Stop being girls, whats done is done, thanks for the mods for keeping an eye on things after all I don't have all the time in the world, but they only edit and remove posts for the good of us all, no need to go on a one about nothing....you can read it all can't you hunters eating pigs...for f**k sake...water off a ducks back..don't drag it on..

    If anyone REALLY has an issue, than go on another site if your not happy!

    I dont want to keep on,and i can see that the mods have a difficult job.I never meant to get at anyone.Im all for,"the good of us all" but i really cant see the harm in the original post.

  10. Brilliant thread.

    Mine is a bit of a haze now (terrible memory) but i can remember just how proud i was of my dog. She hadnt been on a big nights lamping before and she really did me proud my chest was bursting with pride. The men were complimenting her all night and even renamed her the black death :D The electricity that night was amazing. I was texting my sister out of bed the whole night everytime she did something else :laugh:

    I can remember the first time i went out totally on my own better, mainly because that was the first time i was completely aware of everything going on around me, the first time i had that total peripheral vision and hearing, a sixth sense even. You are concentrating so hard and your adrenolin is pumping that time absolutley flies and you cannot believe how long you have been out and just how tired you are when you stop.

    Oooo i just cant wait till Sept, i might have to have a sneaky look somewhere local soon :D


    :yes: Theirs nothng else that even comes close to being out wth the lamp and your dog, and nothing else is there? :clapper:

  11. Stop picking on a woman , guys, she,s is doing a difficult job, in the absence of Ian, if you dont like it, take it up with him, any more bullshit, and this one is going in the can too.

    Not picking on anyone.

    Asked a question, if you have a look.

    Most people dislike cencorship,thats all ;)

  12. Certain things? Cant i mention elephants because their protected? I can usually see where your coming from MOLLY but i honestly think that this is ridiculous.Whats un acceptable about it,enlighten me

    If you really do not understand what may be unacceptable by now then there is very little point trying to explain.


    MOLLY if i had given an account of a badger being baited recently,then yes that would be unacceptable, but talking about badgers is obviously not.

    As you so obviously think i am of limited intelligence, then i think it would be the charitable thing to explain to me and probably a few others, what is unacceptable about a thread regarding the discussion of badgers,NOT any illegal activity regarding them.


    Can I say that I think they need culled.......seeing as the goverments considering it? :unsure:


    On a purely scientific note,

    From 1995 we had TB on our farm for 2.5 years, lost a lot of cattle, cost us a lot of money. The ministry culled all badgers from ours and a neighbours farm,22 badgers, 17 full of TB.

    End of story.

    But it shouldnt be a problem to talk about it on here,or should it?

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