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albino hob

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Everything posted by albino hob

  1. hi again thanks for all your comments very usefull
  2. oh yeh there supposed to be good:) do they come in ,22 or .177 ?
  3. hello, ive been using my friends gun for a while and didnt know what the name of the gun was ......im now looking to purchase my own gun (spring) and wondered if anyone could suggest a good gun to buy????? i only want something cheapish tho.
  4. thanks for all your comments guys i will seperate them and spend more time with them cheers
  5. i could do but i make good money by studding them and i think around my area its like £50
  6. my mate bred last season and he took the hob away and gave the jill nesting and plenty of food and water and just left her to it for about a month with no handleing just water and rabbit but she still ate kits.the vet said it was because she felt endangered. is this allways the case? im not sure
  7. could do but they would get mega lonely. i was thinking of getting rid of one and getting a good old working jill again but i cant decide.
  8. i rescued both my hobs. are fine but fight! i did have a jill which i bought for a fiver she was an excellent worker but i wouldnt pay 150 for 2 what a joke lol
  9. hi there, umm i am new too this forum but have had ferrets now for a while. i had a jill which i worked- she was a great little worker and a hob, which just slept all day!!!!! any way back to my question unfortunatley the jill past away for no reason about 2 months ago and i rescued another hob from the same breeder i brought my last one from, and convientley they were born as brothers but never really saw eachother so i thought that they wouldnt fight but oh no i was wrong anyway i put them in my hutch together and they cant stop fighting and it is starting to get seriously out of hand!!
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