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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. A dog out of Foxy appeared a couple of gens in on the early stuff and then another foxy son appeared in the Charlie dog.Dilly never appeared in any of it.
  2. The very first black terriers i witnessed would have been around 88 when i was 13/14 years old.A few of the older lads on my estate had them and they were little smooth bull headed black or red things and were out of a poweful black bully dog from the next town called Digger.Some were by Digger to various crossbred bitches and the nicer ones were Digger to his own daughters and the lads all called them Nuttals.Years later a couple of the lads who i became mates with told me Digger was out of a black bitch that a lad called Nat had from Brian to a rough coated wheaton coloured dog called Moley
  3. Dont matter what time of year it is they probably aint doing f**k all in the winter either???
  4. Well for the record Tess wasnt a wheeler bitch she was just a stafford given to Derek to breed from.She wasnt bred to any of BN's dogs but was bred to a dog of his breeding and BN never ended up with anything directly out of her to mix back in with his dogs but I know for a fact that he has used a dog with a little bit of wheeler blood a lot more recently.
  5. How has a thread about Wheeler bred dogs turned into Nuttal using Borders?
  6. Where did you get it from as i remember Paul who owned Keith having one back off Derek out of Keith and sally2/Rose.Right looking thing but a right load of shit by all accounts.
  7. Id have said mid 80s.Im sure Derek didnt end up with her till the late 80s
  8. Still a son of Charlie that i bred a couple of miles from me.Hes a doddering old f****r now..Quite a bit of double bred stuff on charlie as well as some of the older jesterxTess stuff too.
  9. Youd have got the picture of keith from me.I have the origional here in one of my albums.
  10. No need to stop using the mens names that created the lines if everything in a dogs pedigree goes back to dogs bred by that man A Nutall bred dog hasnt actually got to be bred by the man as long as everything in its lineage is down from dogs he bred but as soon as other dogs ie Parks,Brightmore,gould or even unknown breeding get mixed in its no longer a nuttal dog.
  11. All that red stuff that Derek bred has been crossed out so much now that it cant really be called wheeler bred anymore and the blood from Tess is that diluted that it would have very little influence if any on the dogs about these days that lads are still labelling with his name.
  12. Kent still has its hop gardens where i am mate.used to be one of the best times of the year when the cockneys used to come down for a month for hopping.our village boozer was packed every single night with characters but its all eastern Europeans doing it now and the village pub is gone.Also not so many orchards now its all rows and rows of plastic tunnels producing tons of shit tasting force fed soft fruit from early spring right through to autumn.
  13. I did if she Roached my f***ing rizla packet.f***ing hated that.
  14. Cant say ive seen a massive improvement apart from not coughing up brown shit in the morning but i was always very active anyway and i do a very physical job.Trouble is after nearly 30yrs of doing the work i do the rest of me is packing up anyway.
  15. I smoked rollies from the age of 12 till 3 years ago when i turned 40 and constantly had a rolly hanging off my lip.I tried quitting loads of times using gum,patches even hypnotists wirhout success.It was only when my daughter got upset one day and asked me not to smoke because she didnt want me to die that i stopped.Threw nearly a whole packet of baccy in the bin and stopped just like that.As has already been said youve got to want to stop although i do still fancy one if i have a beer but luckily thats a very rare occurence.
  16. Got an A4 2.0tdi S line estate at the moment and its the 3rd motor ive had with a VAG 2.0tdi engine and i wont be buying another.All been unreliable c**ts.
  17. Even being a daft youngster isnt an excuse for certain behaviour.Ffs even my 6year old daughter knows you dont carry a dog by its tail and i dont think ive had to teach her that.But from what ive heard about the pratt that did that from people i know that have met him my 6year old has more brains than him.
  18. I actually had to rewind that bit and watch it again bacause although i could see what he was doing something in the back of my mind was telling me that surely he wasnt carrying a dog like that.
  19. Just shows how desperate the simpletons must be to impress someone that theyre taken in by these undercover journalists.Its not that hard to work out dog lads that are reasonably new to the game an inexperienced so someone whose done nothing must be blatantly obvious.
  20. I doubt that very much.As long as theres undercover reporters/antis out there doing this kind of work ther will be idiots lining up to give them all the material they need just to have their ego's stroked.
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