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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Been on a refresher course for my deep excavation and shuttering tickets today and we were going through battering back/angle or repose in different soil types and the weight of moving soil at different depths if a side comes in and it really got me thinking about some of the dodgy/dangerous situations ive put myself in out digging and at work over the years.Any of you lads had any near misses or know anyone whos come unstuck over the years.
  2. downsouth


    My bosses wife had a big fluffy white female cat that f****d off for over 18months after they got a new german shepherd pup that constantly chased it around and ragged f**k out of it.I didnt even know abour it untill i mentioned to him one morning that my dogs had chased a cat of that description up a telegraph pole over 2 miles away from his house.I saw it in various places around the village after that then the got a phone call saying someone had caught it a couple of months back.Apparently it was in good health just a bit matted and riddled with fleas.Hes not that impressed as hes not a cat
  3. downsouth


    Doesnt bother me at all what people want to live their own lives as long as they dont try forcing their views on anyone else.I know a lady whos a vegan and shes a lovely person and her husband is a meat eater.My little girl keeps mentioning becoming veggie at the moment but i think its just a little faze shes going through but if thats a choice she makes then i wont discourage her I'll let her make her own choices but make it clear to her that everyone is entitled to their own choice without being preached to.
  4. All the sugar they put in them might not be a good thing though.
  5. Shooters can definitely decimate an area using thermal imaging.A local keeper was telling me that he and another keeper i know sat out on his park a few months back watching 150+ fallow casually moving from the woods out into the fields and back one night.He said the most theyve ever seen at once on the lamp in the 12years hes keepered there is maybe 30 tops and the norm is usually half a dozen to 15.
  6. Next outcross for the alaunt breeding programme.
  7. At the end of the day it doesnt matter how much expensive equipment you have the dog still has to put the work in to get a result.
  8. The markets already crashed mate.Your brother should of just chucked his 9k down the nearest drain and saved himself a load of hassle.
  9. Its bad enough sweating my bollocks off digging at work in this weather.Couldn't think of anything worse than smashing about in cover in this heat digging to 3/4 grown cubs.
  10. Got a better front end on it than some of the c**ts ive seen.
  11. Full on prey drive mode????
  12. Ultimate boys toy?Ive heard of Motorbikes,quads,jetskies,speed boats,guns and all sorts of other stuff described like that but never a f***ing telescope.
  13. I said to my mate that i was sure id read or heard something about frost.I gave a few of them a little squeeze and they felt ripe.
  14. How much are the worth.There is a load of trees packed with them behind the Gas site that im working on this week and the only way to get to them is through the panic gate at the back of the site.I was only saying to my boss and workmate today that i wasn't sure when you was meant to pick them.
  15. And still be quids in.Its about 3hrs work tops.
  16. 3 boards.f***ing hell was that just to skim that ceiling?
  17. Id overboard it just to be on the safeside cant see a bathroom being mich more than a couple of boards.How much was the last guy charging and what do you call silly money?
  18. If anyone is seeing a difference from using a sprinkle of sa37 on their dogs diet i dont believe they are feeding as good a diet as they think they are.
  19. I personally prefered the mag hound but that was a few years ago so dont know if any of the companies have made recent changes to their machines.
  20. But do the scientists who researched all that know as much as the bone man.
  21. If you're running them that hard that a good diet isnt enough youre either not feeding as good as you think you are or you're giving the dog more work than its capable of taking.Either way that stuff you put the picture up of aint gunna make any difference.
  22. Even if you are running in comps you still dont need all that stuff.You can cause dogs to run hot and do all sorts of problems overdoing it with extra vitamins and minerals.If you feed good quality meat,veg,fat and a source of carbs everything you need is there.
  23. No need for all the powders and potions if you feed a good mixed balanced diet
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