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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Please dont ruin a very serious thread by taking the piss please or ill have to ask a mod to remove you.
  2. f**k me all these years and i never knew it was that easy
  3. Im shit at stuff like that but my pal who owned Punch has just sent me a nice pic of him to put on here cause hes as useless as me at that shit
  4. How do you put a photo on here from an android phone.
  5. A few have scraps but still use the dogs names despite the fact theres most of their dogs breeding is completely unknown or a load of old shit
  6. Whos the bowler dog?Never heard it mentioned as having anything to do with that line of dogs.Wasn't Lens bitch called Meg.
  7. Ok show off.He told me he'd beat me up if i didnt touch it.
  8. Them punch/havoc dogs were all jackers anyway and the bloke who owned them is a great big poofter who cant be trusted around young lads.
  9. Seen these live a few times this summer at local festivals and few local boozers.They've been busking in my nearest town(Canterbury ) for a few years now and are just starting to get really popular.The lead singer and drummer are brothers and the bass player is their dad and has been been busking local for years and is a fair singer himself.Not a bad band for a bunch of vegan hippies.
  10. Id of said spa but Greyman said the one he saw on the carcass was buzzard size.
  11. Could be a this years Gos.Just the blue/grey tail that sounds odd.
  12. ???sounds like some of the wallys ive had work with me over the years.Youd be surprised at the amount of times ive seen lads go through services even though ive marked them out or they've found yellow tape and sand
  13. I reckon its bullshit.They have cctv footage of them travelling to Salisbury and back to London and lots of other cctv footage of them at various points over a 48hr period but its took this long to identify them.Yesterday I read that the police and other intelligence services have trawled through over 60,000 hrs of cctv fottage.Id have thought they'd have identified them a lot quicker than what they supposedly have.
  14. Once you reach a certain depth a bucket and rope is the only way to get it out and away from the hole.I like yourself do a lot of deep hand digs for a living and once you get much past 3m you aint throwing much out with a spade without half of it coming back in on you and if your in wet sticky stuff youve got no f***ing chance.Im sure a lot of these lads you hear talking about 15ft plus digs or 5meter plus these days dont actually realise how deep that is.
  15. How wide did you have the hole at that sort of depth.
  16. Same here mate anything over a meter.Im ticketed to do timber and steele shuttering down to 5meters.I used to think they were taking the piss when they made us shutter stuff up at a meter and move all spoil right away from the hole but when you've been on the coursed and seen the videos and photos and theyve explained exactly how different grounds react it definitely makes you think about some of the sotuations youve put yourself in out with the dogs and at work in the past.
  17. We were shown a chart today and at 4ft deep if you take one side of a dig back at a 45degree angle that will weigh 0.8 of a tonne.If that soil is moving/sliding that weight doubles on impact.Now if you have 400kg on your chest you are not breathing in and have a minute if your lucky before you're dead.Certainly makes you think when youre kneeling or laying down in rhe bottom of a dig.
  18. Mine are that game they dont even realise they've got it.
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