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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Just put your best working bitches to the best working dogs available and get out and test the offspring.There really cant be too much science behind when you consider some of the brain dead,thick c**ts that are regularly breeding decent workers.
  2. Great if you dont mind having a rat or two about the place.
  3. Im surprised it didnt f**k off as soon as it got within 30miles of The Isle of Sheppey
  4. Gravesend is in Kent and there's not even any kentish people there just Paki's
  5. Yes boar can be pretty rough on a dog but it really doesnt take any level of gameness to catch and hold a boar.Ive known complete curs that wouldnt even tackle a fox single handed catch and hold boar.
  6. Harry bred Punch and his half brother Rumour.Both out of the same greyhound to different bulldogs.
  7. Thought you was normally all tucked up with your Horlicks by o'clock
  8. I wouldnt go as far as saying they were all shit but unless youve seen them origional dogs go it can be hard to imagine how high the bar can be set.
  9. Well then he didnt know either.
  10. Just goes to show how much shit gets spoken from people who dont know.
  11. He was a fair dog but id of picked Havoc all day and all night.But ive never seen an outcrossed dog work to the same standard as the origional dogs.
  12. You wernt just sticking up for a mate you came on here with plenty to say thinking you was a clever c**t.And why would you be watching what i write?Are you a grass then?
  13. And you butted your nose in and kept it going thinking you was a clever c**t.so lets get the thread back on track.Did you ever see any off the pure line of dogs work during there prime or just the crosses?
  14. Ive told the silly c**t what i think of him and if he wants to see me ill tell the prick again.So run along and tell your little mate if you want.
  15. Savaged a puppy and a terrier now.f**k me the story changes everytime its told.I found out the truth about what happened from someone else that was there who got sick of his bullshit.Dredd is prick and nothing more than a cruel c**t but we wont mention what he likes to get up to on here.And as for Lee no he never never offered me a straightener in fact he couldnt get off the phone quick enough when i rang him.Enough people had seen the bitch work over time around terriers to know dredds story was bullshit and if that little bitch had done the ammount of work they claimed shed done before she s
  16. My mate lives in East London.When he lets his rollers out you can guarantee a peregrine will appear within minutes.
  17. No he never mate.He thought that maybe that first cross he had may have come from the same fella that bred punch.
  18. Dredd???Just another prick who tried to make a name for himself off the back of the big fellas dogs.Still from what ive heard even his little gang of followers saw what he was really all about in the end.
  19. Not my pics mate they're my pals that owned the dogs
  20. Punch's brother and a 3/4 bred out of Punch
  21. The bloke who owned the dog is on here.I think he knows them better.
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