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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Ive only ever needed 2 workers if they were truly any good as id always be out with a mate or 2 who'd also have dogs that needed work.Id sooner be short of a dog on the very odd occasion during the season because both eould be needing a rest than have dogs in the kennels not getting the work they needed.
  2. You know its true though thats why you dont keep too many.When they really are good you dont need a truck full.
  3. I always makes me laugh when you see lads at shows with 1/2 a dozen or more terriers claiming that theyre all good workers.I bet there isnt more than a handful of lads in the uk that can find enough work for 6 terriers let alone enough work to find out if they're good.
  4. Still peddleing anything he can.He reckoned he was dieing and only had a few years to live 20years ago.
  5. I can see why you're a scaffolder.
  6. True but the fact of the matter is it happens especially in areas that are keepered and known for getting hammered by lurcher lads.
  7. Brian plummer was right.Just a load of bloody thugs.
  8. Plenty near me.Every year the dogs kill a few myxi ones but it never seems to really take hold and wipe them out
  9. Its not just police shepherds mate.Theres lots of security dogs and sport dogs that will do the same.All they know in training is the decoy/helper runs off down the field cracking his whip holding his arm in the air then when the dog gets a mouthful of sleeve it gets a little fight which in reality is acting like a reward for getting the bite anyway.Youd be surprised how many dogs will back down if they are given a fight before they actually get the bite,some dont even need to be fought Just certain body languge ,an environmental situation or equipment that they've never witnessed before is en
  10. It was funny to hear lads the week before saying what their dogs were gunna do and how hardcore they'd been training.Only to see them a week later walking off the field heads down dragging their dogs behind them with their tails up their arses.
  11. I was there that year.That was a very rare dobe and very impresive.My pal came second to it with his old dog that i put a pic up of a few days ago when the dog was 8/9 years old.Them lads dont half give them gold class dogs some stick but to be fair if i was gunna do a few of the jobs my pal does id want to know my dog had been fully tested the was his have and that their arses wernt gunna fall out.
  12. Theres a group of German lads come and put on a trial over here once a year and they have a no photos or video's rule.At least for the gold class that gets pretty rough at times.Funnily.enough ive never seen a shepherd do anyrhing in the gold class it always seems to be bull blooded or presa type dogs with a higher fight drive that seem to do well.In fact ive seen the main guy run shepheds off the field and back to their vans a couplle of times.
  13. I know of several guys in the security/eviction industry that have at least one dog that are exactly the same as the above dog.A lot of the normal jobs they do a shepherd that barks may be enough but where the earn the good money is taking jobs where you dont want to be relying on people dropping to their knees because a shepherd has barked at them.I personally wouldnt want to own or have the responsibly of a dog like that but then i dont work or put myself in some of the situations that these fellas do.But if i was going to go to work in some of the situations some of the lads ive trained wit
  14. The ones from fencing suppliers aint worth a wank.
  15. You're obviously a man who knows his shit???
  16. Looks like he knew more than he was letting on ???
  17. In certain jobs its no good having a dog waiting to see how someone or even a group are going to behave before they decide to do something.Thats how the lad who owns it ended up loosing one of his eyes.If youre going into a building with a few heavy Eastern Europeans up to no good in there you want a dog thats going to clear your path.An untrustworthy dog is one that acts out of character or you're not sure how it will behave.The dog is a horrible c**t and the lad knows it but hes a horrible c**t that serves a purpose and gets hobs done whereas a shepherd stood barking its head off could end y
  18. I prefer this over a bar or the sharptooth and i live in chalk and flint country and also dig pretty much everyday for a living.Good quality graft head with a length of 2"gas pipe welded over it.
  19. The best one is"If you let them hunt on top and work cover youll end up digging rabbits with them".All my dogs have chased and bushed rabbits from day one as where i live is plastered with rabbits but as soon as a rabbit goes down a hole or the pups sniff at a rabbit hole a stearn "leave it"and they're on their way.That way they know rabbits are a no no to ground.Ive dug plenty of terriers over the years though that are never aloud off the lead because they're digging dogs because when they do smell a rabbit close by in an earth its new and exciting to them.Ive got a mate who only ever keeps 1
  20. Seen it happen a few times with mates dogs because the lads always seem to have an excuse as to why they cant give their dogs a walk.Whereas littermates or stuff ive had from the same blood that get the chance to have a good run and hunt up everyday wont even enter or search an empty spot or even stop to sniff at an entrance.
  21. I think like with the red bitch i put the pic up of which seemed to start this subject its most common in dogs that the only time they get out of the kennel is to go digging.Poor fuckers end up stir crazy.
  22. Its called a domination collar.Its almost like a kind of chocker thats used during training to get the attention or break bad habits with a very strong willed dog.First time i saw one I thought what the f**k is that gunna do but used correctly they really do work.
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