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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Not that common. I've a few pals from Basildon and the surrounding area who were all busy around that scene and used to use Raquels and knew all that crew including Mahoney and thet reckon theres several different people/crews it could have been.
  2. According to my Pals from Basildon them 3 getting shot wernt such a bad thing.
  3. I hope he does and i hope whyte bangs him out.I quite like Dillian and his fight anyone attitude.
  4. Who can you see that clearly is the best heavyweight?
  5. The 3 knockdown rule is if the knockdowns are in the same round and he didnt get knocked down 3 times anyway so thats no argument.Fury has just come back from all the shit in the last 3years so hes far from his best yet id say wheras i really cant se Wilder improving on what he already does.
  6. Good ol days???It was only about 20yrs ago.Plenty of twats,plenty of shit dogs and plenty of antis about then too.
  7. Some bitches just do it.The chocolate bitch in my avatar was a f****r for it and so was her grandmother even though both of them would go 24hrs withought pissing or shitting in their pens waiting untill they got out for a walk.she could even be brought in the house for a few days and wouldnt make a mess even though she'd never been house trained.
  8. Apart from super game bull crosses.They bust holes through hedges pulling out trees with their bare teeth whilst in hot pursuit.
  9. Just heard it myself.They want the village to call itself vegan wool.Its not that the sheep get killed its because theyre worried they'll get cold wirhout their wool.Dont the silly c**ts realise they get sheared in the summer?
  10. Still nothing like the speed a greyhond puts in when bred to a bulldog Well they are supposed to be for catching things so id suppose youd want as much speed as possible.
  11. And it will catch a lot more as one thing ive noticed with the few bull/whippets ive seen is they lack any serious pace when compared to a decent bull/greyhound
  12. I think you could be right mate ive not really took a lot of notice of the knpv stuff.I know a couple of lads whove been out a done some decoying a few times and some of the training techniques them Dutch lot use are f****d up to say the least.
  13. A good decoy would have caught the dog so at the point the dog made contact the decoy would have already been turning 180degrees so taking the impact out of it rather than just walking forward with his arm up rigid so they just slam into each other.Doing it the way he did it is the quickest way to injure a dog or actually put it off of hitting hard.
  14. Seen plenty of dogs hit that hard.The decoy doing a really shit job made the dog look much more impressive.If he'd have caught the dog correctly hed of stayed on his feet and run less of a risk of injuring the dog.
  15. Dont think they lived up to the sales pitch.
  16. If they're at the right age and been brought on properly and got anything about them they shouldnt need it.
  17. Exactly.Aint that why we try our hardest to breed from generations of the best dogs possible.So its in their blood to work.If you feel you have to tie them out on digs,show them stop ends or let them rag carcass after carcass maybe its time to either look at the stock you keep or the way you rear/socialise your pups.
  18. Had this old Bulldog for years now and used it for work as well as out with the dogs.Got my pal to shorten the shaft down to 18" which makes a massive difference when you start getting down there.
  19. I know going back to the late 80s I saw just as many dickheads with shit dogs as there is still probably about these days and it probably wasnt any different back on the 70s 60s or 50s
  20. If a well bred pup gets plenty of time out in the country running about and hunting up and learning to use its nose it should ne able to enter on its own without needing to ne tied up on an earth listening to another dog working. ive had and seen plenty do it Ive even had them surprise me and do it before i thought they would.
  21. Or maybe youve just never had a goodun
  22. The good ones do.In fact they normally need holding back.
  23. Exactly anymore than 2 or at the most 3 digs in a day and they aint much of a dig.If your getting 5 digs in a day theyre only gunna be puppy jobs and if i was getting them sort of digs id be expecting an experienced dog to be going again not be needing 5 dogs.
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