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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. All the time.Proper shitbag
  2. Haha.The Emperors new clothes.Just another bandog type cross with a silly story and a big price tag same as them Serbian defence dogs.My pal who has the Dobe and the really good bandogs had a hardon for them SDDs a couple of years back with their cropped ears and mad colours and vids of them acting all mean and was sure that they must do something that we'd never seen before thats why they were 3/5k.I kept asking him "what are they gunna do that yours dont"but he was convinced they must be better coz they come from serbia.Luckily some other mug who had big ideas of making a fortune with these
  3. Nearest thing to a bull mastiff that are still fit and healthy and have something about them are Boerboels.Thats if you want a purebreed rather than a cross.
  4. Trouble is mate a lot of the lines that are classed as the best have actually got the worse dominance issues.i personally know of 4 that have completely out of the blue flipped out on their owners for no reason.Luckily 2 of the fellas were very experienced dog trainers/handlers that realised what was happening before itgot too out of hand and sorted things quickly another made a bit of a mess of a lad but luckily his mates had the bottle to help him.The other put my mates pregnant missus in hospital for 5months kept on morphine untill their son was born then had to endure years of reconstructi
  5. I just find it strange that a group of lads that own single handed dogs would only ever film them working doubled up.You'd think they'd want to have them on film doing the job single handed.
  6. Seen a few nice corso's but also seen some real shockers with really weak nearves.They dont tend to be rank dominant though like the presas tend to be.Being a mastino and very closely related to Neopolitans they tend to be very soft with their families and quite relaxed around strangers that they dont see as a threat.
  7. He has a rich daddy too who helped set him up in his puppy peddling empire.To be fair hes owned some bloody good ABs and Boerboels over the years but he will breed,sell or deal anything he can earn a few quid with and will lie through his teeth to do it.
  8. And a lot more likely to start trying to dominate your whole family.They will end up being the next banned breed f***ing unstable b*****ds
  9. f***ing puppy peddler and a complete bullshit artist.
  10. Right heres a question.If i came on here and said i went out and dug 14 foxes on the weekend but i took 4terriers and stuck 2 in every earth how many people on here would think id done something good and that i must have some pretty decent terriers.
  11. Oh right.Sorry i didnt realise the wrecking Crew were profesional pest controllers doing a service for farmers.I always thought they were a bunch of lads driving about having a bit of sport.
  12. All this talk of numbers.Lets for arguments sake say that the would go out with 2 dogs and dounle up on 10foxes 0r 4 dogs and run 16or 20.why not just go out and let each dog have 4 or 5 single handed runs.
  13. Why would we?That was a sport that was meant to be run with 2dogs where they wernt meant to kill the hare but i dont agree with running lurchers on hares doubled up either.
  14. Only ever owned 2 lurchers and neither needed doubling up on a fox.
  15. Are you a professional pest controller or keeper or shepherd that needs to kill stuff in numbers?If so youll get do better with a rifle.If not then surely it should be about the quality of the sport and actually seeing how good your dog actually is.Plenty of old shit can look brave when doubled up.
  16. They probably wouldnt have killed a 3rd of the amount if they ran single handed.Its mad double up aterriers and youre a c**t and rightly so but doubling up 2 60/70lb bull cfosses seems to be acceptable for a lot of people.
  17. Ive actually found most bull bred dogs ive owned to be quire calm and sensible.How often is he out of the kennel and for how long?
  18. I rate his bandogs a lot higher than his older dobey and this one is fresh off the plane last week and hardly done a thing but like hes said to me a visual deterant and a load of noise is sometimes more effective in a rowdy crowd situation.Hes even had people coming over wanting to try and stroke his bandogs because they act so calm unless threatened.
  19. He says they work better when dispersing a crowd as they bounce about jaws snapping giving it loads of gob and everyone has seen the crop eared nasty guard dogs in the films and that is enough to scatter a crowd.Whereas his bandogs will just stand staring with their tails wagging and if youve got a bit of a crowd they can get a bit brave especially if theyve been on the marching powder and if youve got a crowd even if the dog grabs the first couple you're still in for a pasting.So even though the Dobes are not as tough physically or mentally that scattiness can sometimes be more effective in c
  20. Nice young import Doberman my mate has just picked up today.
  21. The ones the lads were using were made by stihl.My boss is thinking about getting one as we do a lot of easment clearence where we go across country clearing anything over the high pressure gas lines ready for the gas company to to their 10year surveys.It would be a lot easier to carry a couple of spare batteries rather than petrol,no need to keep restarting saws and less likely to upset gamebirds or livestock/horses etc
  22. You'd be surprised how many professional tree surgeons are using battery chainsaws now.Had 3 lads climbing and clearing a load of trees on a Gas site we were clearing a few weeks back and 2 of them swore by them although the other said he would never use one but he did have the biggest chainsaw ive ever seen and was walking around with just about every type of clip,buckle,axe,handsaw and anything else he could possibly use hanging off his harness and 3 belts.I think he secretly wanted to be one of them American loggers on Discovery.
  23. Theres a lad in the Uk makes better ones.Bit pricey but really well made using all top quality componants.His mate is/was on here but cant remember his username.
  24. Them dirty Turks would sell their own mothers for the right money let alone a poxy old farm dog.
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