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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Just found this old photo of a breeding I did a good few years back.19 1/2" 42lb bulldog bitch from exceptionally good breeding and well worked.22 1/2 42lb whippet mostly M Browns breeding.Not one of the litter had enough gears to be really efficient for anything that took any catching.
  2. I dont think even them silly c**ts would mistakenly think that that mungrel is a pitbull
  3. Why dont you just let her have what she wants rather than what people on here think you should have.
  4. Shell love that when it starts wanting to kill every other dog she meets when out for a walk.Also be great when she has it taken from her and put down.And where does your average person whose not in the know buy a pitbull from?
  5. I reckon if id have spent a few grand on surgery for my mrs id have got her one of them designer vaginas before i got her a new pair of tits.
  6. Sounds like im covering all bases as far as getting the goldies in then as i have 3 large feeders with just sunflower hearts and a couple of Niger feeders.B and M bargains do a good range of wild bird seeds and fat balls atm with really good prices.
  7. They do Its like curry to a pisshead.I have a couple of feeders with just Niger as its only the goldies that seem to go mad for it.I was just wondering if there was anything else in particular yo used that they were going mad for.
  8. Any particular type of seed thats pulling the goldies in in good nunbers?
  9. What are the goldies feeding on under the feeders?
  10. Few on my feeders back in the summer.On a busy day they'll empty them.Photos are a bit shit but taken on my phone from indoors.
  11. They always sing better when sat in a tree or on a fence or feeder than they do bouncing to and fro in a cage.
  12. Couple of feeders with just sunflower hearts and a couple of Niger feeders which have tiny holes that only goldies can get their beaks in.Might take a few weeks but as soon as you get one to feed they'll be flocking in within days.
  13. Should change your usename to Columbo
  14. Never had any problem with aco drains smelling if washed down properly once a day.A lot of the time mine would only get their water buckets tipped out daily and a proper blitz on the weekend.I think a lot of it depends on how well your floors and drains are laid so theyre working properly and not soaking up the piss.
  15. No pal never owned anything with Punch in its breeding and the other comment i was just taking the piss
  16. I had 3 different items id ordered on different days from different places not turn up but all apparently delivered by Hermes when i tracked delivery. Then a few nights later i heard the dogs kick of at about 10 and when i went out to see what the fuss was all 3 items had been chucked over the side gate.Lucky i checked or the dogs would have had great fun tearing it all apart.
  17. First Rap to ever hit the UK charts id imagine.
  18. Would that Brock dog off me rag a dead one?His mother wouldnt even sniff one once it was dead.
  19. Spot on RH.I personally think even the best of digging dogs would soon start coming off quicker and quicker if you was to keep allowing them to go to ground without digging them.Im not saying they do it to please their owner but i difinately think they see you as a teammate.
  20. You couldnt get much deeper in a hole that small.
  21. The ones ive seen have all been excellent guards.Ive seen a couple of people try using them for pp and its not really a suitable job for them.
  22. Probably never seen it done in the flesh
  23. My pal who owns a few pp dogs says to this day that some of the best dogs hes seen were when him and his pals were teenagers.They were lads running around fighting with other gangs,travelling all over london jumping on and off of buses and tubes.Right from pups they would run along beside them on their bikes stopping when they got to roads.The dogs couldnt of had better socialisation or environmental training.Wher the dogs were with them 24hrs a day when they got in scraps the dogs would just automatically join in.He says even with all the proffesional training he does these days he reckons he
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