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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. You hopefully.You've never got anything nice to say.
  2. If thats the case why aren't 1000s of of ex ravers in their 40s and 50s killing themselves every week.
  3. Suffered with mental illness and depression all his life by all accounts.
  4. Very sad.Saw them many time during the 90s and early 2000s.From the Raindance raves and in front of about 300 pilled up ravers at a small venue in 92 through to 80,000 crowds at Reading and Glastonbury festivals and my favourites were the 2 times i saw them at Brixton Academy.Never failed to entertain to the max.R.I.P Keith a true showman
  5. Met and worked dogs with a few of the big names and writers over the years and been disappointed when ive seen their dogs and their keeping of dogs. Definitely learned to only believe what i see with my own eyes
  6. I bet he didnt look at the offspring and think "I know just what these need.A bit more bulldog thrown in the mix"
  7. The lad has been doing a bit of training for about the last year.
  8. I knew it wasnt a presa to start with because of the colour.Then i realised by its markings that i was pretty sure who bred it and what it was out of.Its out of a full sister to my bandog bitch.No presa in it at all.
  9. Just dont click on any of the pictures unless you have a really strong stomach and a warped mind.
  10. Exactly that f1 is the first cross.
  11. Either that or just give them a look of disdain,shake my head and walk away.Like you say definitely wont entertain the debate or argument they're desperate for.
  12. Thats not a presa mate.In fact there's no presa in it at all.
  13. How old is that?Did he get it from the North East?
  14. The best presa's ive seen have all had a decent bit of leg and been far from heavy set.
  15. Having a dog that barks if somebody is within 100yds is alright if you dont live within 100yds of anything or anyone.If mine barks i get up and see why night or day because they'll be a reason.I couldnt think of anything worse than a dog thats constantly barking at the kids playing a few doors away or workmen across the road.I reckon with a dog like that youll end up just shouting at the c**t to shut up half the time along with pissing half your neighbours off.
  16. Id expect any guarding breed to react to aggressive behaviour though.I had pet dogs as a kid that would bite someone or at least kick off if someone was acting up.What im talking about is picking up on or spotting subtle behaviours or vibes that we wouldnt pick up on in somebody.In my village we have loads of eastern European farmworkers that we are always passing on our walks.If we come across any Poles or Russian/Ukrainian types she will just walk past and ignore them or occasionally go over for a fuss if they pay her a bit of attention.Now and again we'll be walking and she'll spot some in
  17. Same is anything mate.There's enthusiasts that might produce a litter that will go to the right people for very little or no money and then there's breeders that charge up to a grand or more if they think they can get it.Also there are people producing what i call traditional bandog which with the correct upbring should behave how i said above and then there are people just producing big overly aggressive dogs and calling them bandogs without understanding how a bandog should behave.
  18. I dont know if its this thread or a different one that i said the exact same thing about a proper traditionally bred bandog.They are excellent at working people and situations out and dont need to be acting over aggressive to everyone they meet all the time.A lot of people are surprised by how friendly my bandog is when invited into my home especially if they've seen her working.She wont even open her eyes or get up when certain people come through the front gate as she knows the footsteps or vehicle noises of regular visitors.Even people working at the home once she sees ive invited them in t
  19. The pups were no different in build to 1st crosses ive seen done the other way round in fact they were taller and racier looking than a lot ive seen.Maybe i just expected more from them than some people.
  20. From what ive personally seen they need a good lump of greyhound in them to make them a really usefull allrounder.
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