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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Haha most Terrier and Lurcher men break out in a sweat if they have to spend more than a tenner on a sack of complete.
  2. Go kart split rims are what you want if youre making a mill
  3. downsouth

    the fight

    Got up and carried on fighting though.Didn't stand in his corner and quit though did he.
  4. ????The elite at walking a dog to an earth and digging a hole.I hope a can learn them magical skills and be a great as them one day ????
  5. My old man had it done in his mid forties after his hip had pretty much disintegrated.It was already all pinned together after he smashed it to bits in a bike accident as a teenager.He walked out of hospital on crutches after 2days and was walking unaided in just over a week.He had his knee done a few years later,about 10years ago now and hss had nothing but pain and problems with it since.
  6. They're all at it.Sitting up on their pedestals being all moralistic but none of them practice what the preach.
  7. He wont need to be cis registered if he's gardening as cis is is only for the construction industry.I'm cis registered as I do a lot of building and civils work but i also occasionally help a firm that erect corn silos and driers and they dont deduct my tax as its classed as agricultural and not construction industry.
  8. downsouth


    Me and my girl swim at least once a week.Sometimes 3 times a week during the summer as our local pool has a couple of great outdoor pools that are open from easter through till late October.I hadnt swam for years untill 5 years ago when my girl was 2 and I decided she needed to learn.Glad I started as swimming and cycling are the only exercise I get on with these days what with half my joints being f****d through years of groundwork and bricklaying.
  9. Its this stupid bitch.Really scraping the barrel to try and stay right on and relevant.Shame because ive always been a massive Specials fan but its really put me off them.
  10. Terry Hall's a f***ing Knob.I could have seen them in Margate Tuesday night but didnt bother.After seeing them in Amsterdam I dont think I'll bother going to see them again
  11. Seen all the Two Tone bands multiple times over the years.Without doubt the best of them musically is The Beat.Every time ive seen them they've been super tight.
  12. Seen them a few times over the years.saw them on their 30th anniversary tour 10years ago and they were amazing then again a couple of years ago and they were ok but just not the same without Neville Staple.Saw them a couple of months ago in Amsterdam and didnt rate them at all.Only 3 of the origional band left and had that silly Paki bird who was photographed at the EDL Rally on stage with them with her new skinhead haircut and a Fred Perry T shirt.
  13. Like the ones that cover half my village where they're grown in coca soil and forcefed chemicals???
  14. Lump of bacca down the throat works wonders
  15. Proper bargain and a bit more in your price range
  16. Any of these would be ideal for the type of riding you're going to be doing.
  17. Like Daniel said most of the bigger shops do 0%finance.Look on sunset cycles website.Theyve got a sale on a lot of the 2019 orange models because orange have released their 2020 models already which are the exact same frame anyway.I decided to go new as they'd knocked 500quid off and then did over a grand specing it up anyway once i started looking at the upgrades??The reason I always go with Orange is because they are a small English company whos after sales care is second to none.Ive known lads break 4year old frames and they've been sent a brand new frame.Wheras I saw a lad on a group the o
  18. Black one is my pals which the same as what im getting this week.Blue one is my old orange 5.
  19. Only ever ride Orange 5s myself in fact im just waiting for my new bike to be delivered this week.Excellent all round bikes that come with a 5year guarantee from new that they stick to.If you're looking for a downhiller then an orange Alpine is a good bike.Most importantly Hand built in Britain.
  20. It was Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock.I used to watch it at my nans house,Worked on building sites for nearly 30years and not heard language as bad as what came out of her mouth for that hour.
  21. Surely you'd just find a vet or someone who was competent at artificially inseminating dogs.
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