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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Apparently this aint the first time the dirty old c**t has been on here making noncey comments.Probably hoping theres some equally sick fuckers on here that will see his sick comments and approach him so they can start up their own little ring or exchange some child porn.
  2. Kent mate.Dont know if its the same all over but plenty local to me.
  3. Oh that hurts you dirty f***ing old nonce
  4. I haven't and wouldnt.But if you think its ok it dont really say much about you does it.Maybe you're the same way inclined as him and his mate Epstein.
  5. I aint that bothered I only chuck em out the back of a motor once the gears tongue is hanging out its head anyway.
  6. I just stick mine on a treadmill.That way I can just sit and drink stella and smoke weed whilst they get super fit
  7. No reason for dogs to be unfit through the summer.All they should need is work to get them in tip top condition.
  8. Theres some right old shit being touted about as bull crosses thats for sure
  9. Show it a block end or stick it in a barrel with a fox.Works every time
  10. How are they bred.Some breeds/lines are definitely more highly strung/gassy than others.
  11. Never had this problem with but theyre always exercised twice daily and have plenty of time out of the kennels even through the summer.
  12. Probably still hanging on his every word as they'd of have to have been silly c**ts to believe his old bollocks in the first place
  13. Cockers can make great pets if they get a decent walk twice a day with a bit of training and a few dummies chucked about for them.A lot of cockers ive seen in working homes spend days at a time banged up in kennels and only go out on working days.
  14. In a lets see who can eat its own pups as if ther pringles competition.f***ing mentaly unstable bags of shit.
  15. Stopped them f***ing up when they had to try and remember what lies they'd already told
  16. To be fair most of the Lads on that documentary only had themselves to blame.Bragging and talking shit to a complete stranger just to sell pups.
  17. It was a fella called Graham Hall.Couple of lads from down this way were on the same documentary.About 93/94ish.f**k knows why anyone would want a dvd of that shit.
  18. Not cook report but a similar type undercove program
  19. That pics from Ed Reids canine gladiators book isnt it?
  20. The Liquor aint bad its the pies that are f**king shit in them London pie n mash shops.
  21. Yep also seen them pulled out of terrier boxes covered in puke and shit where they've never been off their yard let alone on a car journey to then crawl around on their bellies with their tail up their arse to then be culled when they wont go first time unfortunately the terrier job does seem to attract its fair share of backward c**ts.
  22. Most of these brain dead headbanger patterdales would probably be sensible dogs if the didnt belong to brain dead f***ing mongs that leave them banged up in a pen for 95% of their life.
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