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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Its a pudding not a pie and they knock spots off that shit the wrap in pastry and serve up in the pie n mash shops.
  2. You dont need a steamer.Wrap it in a cloth and boit it
  3. I'd slice bits off and fry it in hot dripping or have it cold in my pack up
  4. My ex missus of 18years was a traveller girl so meat pudding or bacon and onion pudding done in a cloth was the norm at least once a week.
  5. Looks decent enough but I always prefer a meat pudding or bacon and onion done in a cloth.
  6. I had a large book and magazine collection years ago but got rid of most of them after meeting quite a few of the well known authers/contributors and realised that most of them are completely full of shit
  7. Years ago I had stuffed albino badgers mask and a fox mask.When I first moved in with my missus she said "I dont mind your dog/hunting books and Photographs being on show but theres no f***ing way you're sticking them creepy things up".Now Im a good 20years older I couldnt think of anything worse than decorating my house with a dead animal either.
  8. Four in my vilage all selling lovely free range eggs
  9. How would that help?They'd just fill it with scumbag foreigners and wogs again.
  10. I agree its a shit fight but to be fair who else is he supposed to fight at the moment whilst he waits for one of the other big names to be free'd up ready for a fight.
  11. Could never understand the "I only feed mine shit through the summer"train of thought.Mine get the same quality food a year through.
  12. When I kept lurchers they never got out of condition enough through the summer to need anything more than taking out and running to have them tip top.
  13. Didn't realise how bad it had got with site brickies getting on the gear.That would explain why their work is so f***ing rough and why half of them can just about manage to run a line between 2 profiles.
  14. Been in the building trade all my life and half prices you hear that blokes reckon theyre getting is a load of old bollocks.All these blokes clearing a grand a week but never seem to have f**k all.Did my fair share oon the hod as a youngun and will still pick it up now if we cant get a decent lad on board.All great when you're young but it catches up with you in the end.Id tell any youngster these days stay in education and use your brain to earn a living.
  15. Have both parents had all relevant health tests? Hips scored/eye tests etc.
  16. They take some beating though them Portuguese lines of Patterdale
  17. Suppose it depends on if you want it fully windowed and also how many cupboards ets you want as if you use a minibus you have less space on the walls to fit stuff.im also guessing that a minibus would be colder if you was staying in it during the winter as wit a van youd have a larger area to insulate,plyline and carpet.
  18. Doubt it.cant even be bothered to knock up a fresh whelping box or at least give the old one a lick of paint.
  19. Seen a few kites down here in Kent over the last couple of years.See more of them poxy noisy parakeets than any native birds in certain parts of kent and all over SE London.
  20. Are you sure you didn't mishear her say her friends think you're a div ??
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