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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. I knew a young lad who hung himself from one of them hooks that you hold your curtains back with by holding his legs in the air.Handsome young lad who used to have birds falling at his feet and was proper popular with the lads.Decent job,nice family.Nothing you could point your finger at that would make you think he could be depressed about.
  2. downsouth


    Or maybe you've just got a really good gaydar.
  3. downsouth


    I'll take your word for it.You're obviously a regular viewer.
  4. f****d about with them when I was a teenager.I would go mental now if I ever found out my kid or anyone close to me was f***ing about with that shit.
  5. downsouth


    How do you know its queer after queer?
  6. downsouth


    F**king hell you need to chill out a bit.Are you sure you're not harbouring some deep down gayness inside you and you're worried that seeing gays carrying on is turning you on and its worrying you.
  7. That place hasnt been used for a long time now as Paul hasnt competed in a few years.Cant ever remember seeing him there although I only used to go down there once maybe twice a week at the most as it was a bit basic with mostly strong man equipment thst another mate and myself fabricated.I do remeber an older grey haire guy doing power lifting down at Tony Lee's Gym in whitstable that I used to train at with Paul.
  8. ??? what are you JD's bodyguard?
  9. My pal at the gym a couple of minutes down the road from me a few years back.Super strong for a 16 stone bloke who also did triathlons.Weve just recently started getting out on the mountain bikes together recently and hes been talking about doing an endurance race.
  10. Used to train in the same gym as Terry about 12 years back as my pal who was britains 105 champion owned it.Just an old farm building with a load of strongman gear in it.Terry was a naturally strong fella but never took training seriously would turn up to train with a carrier bag full up with pasties and chocolate bars from the garage smoking a roll up.
  11. I think youll find that anyone descended from southerners that migrated north are more likely to be retarded rather than ignorant And as for all the pollution you keep going on about have you ever been to Kent,sussex,Dorset,Devon,cornwall etc?
  12. Wins?Whats to fight about?just draw a line across the country and the northerners can stay in their Grey,wet miserable half and we'll stay in our nice half.
  13. Going back to kho samui this winterI last went there in 2003 and was shocked by how much it had changed since I first went there in 1992.My ideal trip would be 6 months to a year travelling all over south east asia.
  14. Ive kept dogs on a kennel and chain in the past.I even had a bull cross bitch that preferred being on a chain setup to being in one of my 3mx2m runs.Never liked plastic barrels though.Tried them for a short time and didnt matter what I did with them they'd be soaked with condensation inside.Have used oak barrels though many years ago.
  15. If you're going to start using Dex(Azium)on a dog thats put in a long hard shift then you seriously need to start thinking about adding fluids via i.v as you will being drying out a dog even more that could already be seriously dehydrated.
  16. So would you treat a dog with a course of antibiotics every time it gets bitten just incase it might get an infection in a couple of days?If I had a dog that had done a really hard shift and took a fair bit of cosh id be spending the first 24/36 hours making sure the dog was fully rehydrated so its kidneys were fully functioning properly before I considered loading it up wit antibiotics and putting even more strain on the vital organs.I guarantee more dogs have died of shock(hypovolemic)in the first day or 2 than have died of an infection in the first week.
  17. One of my real hates is a dog that spends time messing about in empty earths.I remember going out with a mate of mine years ago and I had the chocolate bitch in my avatar off lead working along some bramble covered bankings at a pace where i was walking at a fair pace almost jogging to keep up with her.My mate who was quite new to the job but to be fair hasnt progressed much since was getting the hump because she wasnt stopping at every hole and was just running across earths.After that we drove to another spot and when I got her let her out of the truck she ran sraight across the field and d
  18. Like i said 9 times out of 10.If youre having to regularly use antibiotics on a dog either you're not cleaning the wounds thoroughly enough or the dog must have a weak immune system.Size of wounds shouldnt make a difference,Infections are caused by dirt or bacteria in the wound not the wound itself.clean wounds thoroughly and most times antibiotics aren't needed but if within a couple of days you see an infection starting then run a coarse of antibiotics.Too many lads start banging antibiotics in within an hour of getting a dog home,Ive even seen lads giving them whilst still out in the field.
  19. Loads of people smoke weed and dont go on to take anything else and I know plenty of people have issues with hard drugs that have never smoked weed.Maybe he was just destined to be a c**t and weed had nothing to do with it.Some people are just wired that way.
  20. Been enjoying the odd E for over 30 years now .Did my first in 1989 and have got a few to take to Amsterdam this weekend.The quality and purity of the pills that have been about the last couple of years has been consistently as good as or even better than back in the day.Coke Ive never known anything turn perfectly reasonable fun loving people into complete pricks in such a short amount of time.Personally I cant be doing with all these strong strains of weed that are about these days even though I could have an unlimited free supply if I wanted it and I used to smoke it from sunrise till bedti
  21. Never seen the logic in giving any kind of milk to pups unless a bitch is not producing enough milk especially once they're weaned.Plenty of good quality meat and a decent biscuit 3 or 4 times a day will grow a pup well enough.
  22. Got to agree mate.Cant believe how much he's turned into a politically correct prick considering what his routines used to be like.
  23. Having a head like a football doesnt mean that an infection has set in.Swelling can occur in any wound wether infection has set in or not,Treating with metacam or a similar anti inflammatory will normallyhelp with this and help keep the dog comfortable. An infection in an open wound takes 2/3 days to set in.In that first 24/36hrs your time is better spent making sure the dog is fully rehydrated (just making sure its had a drink isn't enough if its had a grueler)rather than chucking a load of antibiotics in and giving its kidnys something else to try and deal with.Why chuck a lad of stuff in to
  24. 9 times out of 10 if a dogs is cleaned properly and given the correct aftercare there is no need to be giving any type of antibiotic.Seen too many lads reaching for the needle and probably doing more harm than good after a dogs put a hard shift in.
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