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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Skipping down the road for your daily exercise.I bet you look right macho.Joking aside my first meal of the day after ive had my morning walk and litre of water is a fruit and veg smoothie with five different seeds in there.Ive been doing it for about 6months now.Great way to guarantee im getting at least the recommended 5 a day.
  2. I think the stab wounds or.bruises round the neck might give the game away
  3. A couple of my pals have got them.One of them is a big fat c**t and has just bought a brand new one and sold his old one to my other pal who aint rode a bike for years.They cant understand why I dont want to ride with them but I cant see the point in watching them disappear without even breathing heavy when I know they wouldnt last 2miles with me on a proper bike.Funny thing is they've actually convinced themselves they're getting fit.
  4. No.Im pretty sure it was going the same way as a lot of them presa's.Horrible f***ing rank dominant c**ts.I wouldnt have one of them things as a gift.
  5. Just got a couple Gorilla Zkittles babies and a couple of Gorilla Girl(Gorilla glue x Girl scout cookie)
  6. A mate of mine had a jackdaw when we were little kids.It used to ride to school on his handlebars in the summer and follow the bus in the winter.It would turn up at the playground every playtime and lunchtime and all the kids would be trying to call it down and as soon as Wayne came out he would whisle and it would fly straight down to him.Peter Duncan came to our school and did some filming and the rode back to Waynes with Jack riding on the handlebars and he ended up on Blue Peter.Then about a week after he was on the tele some horrible f****r shot it.
  7. When in hitting click to choose file literally nothing is happening.Its not even going to my files with my photos in.Nothing.
  8. Been trying to put a couple of pics on another thread but when I click on Click to choose files nothing is happening.Any ideas why or if something has been changed as to how things work on here.
  9. This one dont look all that.Tiny little buds that look like theyre from the bottom of the bag but my pal did them 100%organic A few mates have tried it and all really liked it.Great smell and taste and all liked the high although it just f****d me but then so did all the other bits ive got.
  10. Aint really smoked for about 8 years now apart fom the few times a year I go out to Dam but then I'm usually off my nut most of the time anyway.Since ive been off work because of all this virus shit ive found myself with a few different bits.3 types of Dawg 2 different Ammies.Wedding cake and gorilla glue.Every night ive decided to have a little go of something different to stop the boredom and every night ive ended up in a right old f**king pickle.
  11. Nice youngster.Hows he bred?
  12. Im finding when I click to choose files to upload a picture nothing is happening.Is this a problem with the site at the moment or has something been changed as to how you put a picture on.
  13. 2013.Bloody hell time flies I remember when he first got him
  14. Good chance considering thats Scott in the photos ???Scott did all the training with my bitch when she was young.I rate him as one of the best decoys/trainers over here when training anything bulldog/mastiff blooded
  15. No.He mated her back to her father.The brindle dog that I put up a few posts back.
  16. The couple Ive seen were very suspicious and quite defensive.Im sure they'd make good property guardions if you had the space for the big hairy,smelly fuckers
  17. He's an experienced decoy/helper who knows the dog and how he works.
  18. Yep.Unsuspecting people dont realise how easy it is for a trainer and decoy to shine a dog up and make it look like a million quid when just the right move could make its tail disappear up its arse and run.Ive seen plenty of dogs for sale for big money after a couple of weeks training in prey drive and dogs that ive seen melt when put under pressure.Also been asked to not mention what ive seen certain dogs do during training too.Some if the worse culprits have been the big name trainers/breeders that have made themselves famous since the invention of facebook.Makes me laugh how they've all bec
  19. I'm usually out and about with him at least once a week.Yeah he keeps his head down but I guarantee whatever hes got around him does the job it was bred for.He keeps them to do a job not to make money from.Unfortunately theres not many like that in the security/pp/guard dog game.Ive never met such a lieing, peddling bunch of fuckers in my life.
  20. Yeah thats him.Dog got a second in in the gold class at the AVD night trials at Sati's place too.And them German boys were giving the dogs some proper pastings and making so called top dog turn tail and run.2013/2014 That would have probably been when he bred it to his Neo bitch.She was a proper guard dog too.He wants to put him to my bitch but I dont fancy a litter of pups that I've then got to try and find decent homes for.
  21. My pals old bandog.Imo the best working bandog male in the uk.Always placed top 3 in every trial hes competed in against dogs owned by so called top trainers and security ladswith hardly any training and a real sensible gentleman of a dog to be around.Ive seen this dog take some serious stick and never take a backward step.
  22. Some decent dogs coming out of Slovakia too.A few kennels out there with blood that all seems to origionate back to the same dogs.Sire to my bitch I have in the house Is an import from a well known yard out there.
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