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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Dunno about rednecks(we dont get enough sun over her)But there's plenty of pockets of village inbreds.
  2. Traditions?I wanna know what mad f****r first thought I reckon one of them big angry f**kers will be much better than a horse.
  3. Knew a fella who had a pair and when they finally died he got another one and they all had pretty shit temperaments
  4. Thats Dr Swinford who first started his bandog programme back in the 70s.Semenic wrote a lot of inaccuracies in that book regarding different breeds but regarding Swinfords bandogs he wrote that swinfords preferred cross was Neo/pit when in fact it was English mastiff/pit although he did do a few Neo breedings.
  5. Exactly mate.Thats a family guardian not something you have to keep locked in a cage or another room every time someone comes to your place
  6. I wouldnt have a clue where to go to get a decent one ?? I bet youd like another dog like old Lil as a house dog.
  7. Its Just a phrase that the fella who first switched me onto the bandogs uses.Its just a bandog bred by crossing the traditional mastiff breeds (Neo'English mastiff'bull mastiff etc)and bull terrier to produce a more functional,healthier mastiff with a bit more drive.Not just chucking multiple breeds together and hanging the name bandog on them rather than just calling them crosses or mutts.A bandog should have a calm and laid back attitude whilst still being fearless and protective over its property and family.All the things you should get from a good mastiff but in a healthier more functional
  8. Not sure mate.Yeah his mrs had a couple that were right horrible c**ts as well.I remember her bringing one of them training one day and it just wanted to do everyone on the field.Scott also told me that she'd let slip that she'd given the male one a clump one day and it had pinned her against the wall and growled at her.Funny enough she dont keep presa's either now.
  9. Scott aint no C**t around a dog and ive seen him work with dogs that I didnt even want to be in the vicinity of and when I asked him where that black dog had gone he said that it was pushing its luck too much and it was only just turning 18months.When youve got a dog 28inches and athletic at 130lb with bad intentions it aint gunna be long before youre in a world of trouble.
  10. Over the last 20years ive had American bulldogs,gamebred bulldogs and now keep taditionally bred bandogs and worked with all of them in protection type work so its not like im frightened of dogs or get wrapped up in the hype you hear in the media about guardian/Working breeds.And sure you can get the odd bad egg in any breed or dogs that end up with the wrong owners or in bad situations and accidents happen But ive witnessed and known to many sensible people that have owned presa's that were just born bad.My personal opinion is they have no place in a country as small and as highly populated a
  11. All the people I mentioned in the above post were secure in owning the dogs they had untill the day the fuckers decided to flip out.Luckily a few were experienced enough to see it coming and deal with them before the shit hit the fan.When you get something with the aggression/ability/size/rank dominance and then couple all them things with the drive that some of them presa's have if shit goes wrong it dont matter how big or how good you think you are your f**ked.
  12. He only had it as a pet.It hadnt done any protection work or shown an over aggresion up untill that day.Apparently she oppened the back door to let their English bulldog out and as it tried to push its way in she pushed it back and it just grabbed her and dragged her into the garden and started mangling her.Hed had othe mastiffs in the past and when a few years before he told me he was getting one I tried warning him off but apparently he'd seen loads and they were all great.
  13. Like Ive said in a previous post I wouldn't have one of them Presa's as a gift.Ive known a few now that have ended up turning bad on their owners Pal of mine had one and it put his 4month pregnant missus in hospital for the rest of her pregnancy and the next 4/years having skin grafts and it was only luck that 2 other fellas I know were working 2 gardens away and heard a commotion and jumped over and beat it off of her with spades that it didnt kill her.Also know of a couple of very experienced trainers that have seen the same type of scenario coming and put dogs down in fact I believe one was
  14. Gone a bit off topic.Lads from over here talking about dogs to hunt big game when we havnt got anything over here that you cant catch with a lurcher.
  15. I think in the video that the fella Mick put out he was very polite,repectful and was up for doing a boxing match for a very good cause.Wheras in the video that John Fury put out he just acted like a complete dick.
  16. All sorts went into them despite the stories them good ol boys will tell you about their great great grand pappy bringing them over from England in the early days
  17. Got a few decent rides in over the last couple of weeks.Just starting to build the miles up and my knee has started giving me a load of gyp.Was hoping to be back to the level I was last summer before I had to go back to work.
  18. Youd be surprised at what the electric bikes can do.The acceleration on them things is phenomenal
  19. I remember meeting him over here when he came over to judge a bulldog show.A couple of lads who were peddlers of bulldogs over here that had never done a days digging in their life had been sending him patterdales and asked me to bring some of my terriers to show him.I took some photos of my dogs as there was no way I was taking any of my terriers to a show where there was gunna be a load of bulldogs being paraded around by a load of clowns.He asked me if I'd ship him some terriers in exchange for a couple of bulldogs and was quite put out when I just laughed at him after seeing the adult dogs
  20. Pal of mine imported 3 direct from Alan Scott and when they first got out of quarantine the wouldnt even come out of their kennel boxes if you were stood there where they'd been used to being chained to a tree with a barrel to sleep in on the side of a mountain in deepest Alabama.One of the bitches was imported in pup and whelped the litter in quarantine. I ended up with probably the best bitch from the litter and all the rest of the litter ended up going to well known kennels/breeders at the time.The bitch I had made an excellent worker alongside the terriers and lurchers but the one litter I
  21. I think the first pair came over in about 89 mate and there was definitely quite a few coming over in the mid to late 90s.There was a few nice dogs came over in the early days but them yanks were also sending some old shit over too and half the pedigree's that come with them weren't worth the paper they were written on.
  22. Imo they were already on a very slippery slope by 2011.The performance dogs are the origional sort.Not them undershot.overweight johnson bags of s**t
  23. The dog was alright in itself but it produced some right bags of shit.I had a look at his pedigree and there was a dog my pal owned that I had a sister to.The dog was 6 gens back and would have been 15 if he was still alive and that tug was at least 4years old.No wonder the American bulldogs are in such a sorry state.There was some decent dogs bought over in the early days but multiple generations being pumped out for no other reason than £££ has f**ked them.
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