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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Im running schwable Hans Dampf atm after my pal recomended them.Nice and grippy without being overly aggressive so work ok on the road too and also super hard wearing.Tubeless is the way to go mate Ive spotted massive thorns in my tyres and just carry on riding.
  2. On my third Orange now and got a couple of mates that wont have anything else.Fantastic UK company with absolutely amazing after ssles care.With the cult following they have the cant risk not looking after their customers as word would spread.Who else gives a five year repair or replace guarantee on their frames?
  3. Run much faster with them off though.Less weight
  4. Is that the best you can manage?
  5. No different to what some of the so called legends of the terrier world were doing for many years.Cant see why people get so wound up about it.If it doesnt effect your dogs or what you do with them then why give a shit?
  6. Seen a few imported so called working line dobermans and all but one have been a load of shit.All abit hyperactive bouncing around gobbling off but none were really focused or solid in their work.Funnily enough though my pal prefered his Doberman over anything when he was doing door work as just the fact that it looked the part and made a load of noise was enough to disperse a rowdy crowd even though if the shit hit the fan he had 2 or 3 dogs that youd much rather have on the end of the lead.
  7. Aint that the truth.And people would have you believe they have stuff thats half or a quarter thats dead game when even the bulldog used in the first place had done f**k all.
  8. I could explain but I cant see the point in wasting my time with someone who comes on a thread and starts commenting on breeds and subjects that the have no practical knowledge with.If you cant think of anything else a bulldog can bring to the table you are obviously as thicker than what you come across if thats possible.
  9. If you cant work it out for yourself it just proves that you really havnt got a clue but Id already worked that out from your stupid posts a couple of days ago.
  10. By that reply Im pretty certain that you dont know what gameness really is
  11. Did you not read everything I wrote and questioned you on or do you just pick little bits so you can come back with stupid answers.
  12. A massive percentage aren't though
  13. Spot on.Especially once you've watered it down to 25% or less and then selectively bred for traits that have nothing to do with what bulldogs were originally bred for.
  14. I meant it adds prey drive.Something which is usefull when training a pp dog especially for somebody that would also like to compete in working trials.Prey drive and gameness or bravery have got absolutely nothing to do with eachother.Have you not thought about the other reasons that bull blood may also have been added to the mastiff to produce bandogs?Its not all about trying to produce a dog that you need a bat to make it release you know.
  15. So you've come to the conclusion that all mastiffs are windy as you put it because of one you've seen near you.Thats why they need gamedog bred into them.
  16. Can you explain what you mean when you say mastiffs are windy.
  17. He was and like has been said so was Zebo and probably the most famouse that many lines have been built around Bullyson.
  18. What do you mean by mastiffs are windy?
  19. That last bit just about sums up your knowledge.Some of the most famous producers in history were known man biters
  20. They are not pitbulls and whilst we're on why this and why that.Why dont you stick to collies instead of keep commenting on something you have no practical knowledge of
  21. I dont remember saying they are better.I said I prefer them as they are a lot calmer and less hypo.Also they can take a lot more stick because of their physical makeup not because they're dead game and will die before they let go as you put it.
  22. They're not game bred bulldogs theyre crosses.with a small percentage of bulldog in them and yes I do.
  23. Do you actually have any practical experience with training pp/guard dogs.
  24. Ive seen plenty of herding breeds with very poor obedience that wont out on command It all depends on the owner/trainer
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