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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Trouble is finding a decent one rather than the barrel shaped,Pug muzzled things that you tend to see about.A friend of mine had a South African import bitch a few years ago that was a very impressive guard.A couple of lads I know that had decent ones years ago said they tended to be a bit rank dominant same as what I've seen with a lot of presa's.Fine if you just want a yard dog and you're prepared to assert your dominance over them but not ideal if it has to mix with your missus and kids.Any dog I own has to know without question that its at the bottom of the pecking order where any of my fa
  2. Thats exactly what Ive been trying to get at.Its not that Ive got anything against Malis or any of the other working bred herders its just that they need constant stimulation and something to do which doesnt really make them suitable for laying around on their own all day guarding a yard.Even a lot of the lads Ive trained with that do security for a living have found them too much.
  3. The couple that Ive witnessed on training days plus one which lives very local to me have been very sharp around other dogs.Not ideal if you're after something to guard your kennels.
  4. Dont even bother with a lure.Just wrap the car in fur
  5. Where have I said shepherds or malis are easy to get off the sleeve?Malis are noisy destructive fuckers if they are not getting the stimulation that they need which 95%of people are not going to give them.I'm quite friendly with fella that ran the Met police dog department and breeding program for over 20years and he said that when they tried Malis they didnt even suit them as they were too hyperactive so how are they going to suit laying around in someones yard for 20 odd hours a day
  6. Why not just say you dont like them rather than jeep making uneducated comments on a type you have no practical knowledge of.One minute you're saying they cant be outed the next you'd knock them out with one punch and they're too slow and couldnt jump a baby gate.
  7. Unless you live somewhere where you have no neighbours who wants a dog thats barking at every noise 40 yds away
  8. If its just a tickling how come there were shepherds and malis quiting left right and centre in fact Im not sure if a herder has ever placed top 5 in the AVD trials
  9. If you're going to start throwing stuff over you could do that to any dog regardless of breed
  10. Is that why a bandog came 2nd in the AVD night trials a couple of years back and the following year it was won by a bandog over multiple malis and herders.A trial which has probably some of the hardest testing in this country where I personally saw a few herders quit cold when they started taking a pasting.If you're ever in the south east Id like you to come and jump into mine or my pals garden and knock one of our bandogs out.
  11. Back talking shit about stuff you know nothing about again.How agile does a guard dog need to be?Its not anagility competition.
  12. My neighbor's would soon get pissed off if mine barked everytime someone was within 30yds of my property and I live in a village that isn't overly busy but I still get plenty of people passing by and I can only imagine how it would be living in a town or on an estate.I like the fact that my surrounding neighbours all say that if the hear Gypsy bark they get up and have a look because they know shes doing it for a reason.I couldn't think of anything worse than living with a hyperactive herder that spends half the day or night barking at every single noise.
  13. What do you mean they dont bark a lot?They'll bark if someones about which is when they're supposed to bark.Who wants a dog that runs around barking at f**k all so when there is someone about you end up ignoring them or telling them to f***ing shut up
  14. If its the year that LM won with his Russell dog and there was a few little punch ups it would have been 94
  15. Its just down the road from me where I do a lot of riding on my mtb and sometimes walk with the dogs where they are going to release them.They've had highland cattle loose in the woods for a few years now and at one point had some rare type of wild goats.They're was also some type of rare wild horses roaming there at on point but I heard they had problems with the males attacking people out riding.f**k knows how it will work as the woods ar rammed with people walking and riding etc every day of the week.
  16. Ive just finished a nice couple of flint walls but for some reason its not allowing me to upload images.
  17. Gotta laugh at people arguing about stuff because of what they've read somewhere when chances are theyve probably never even laod hands on a proper bulldog.
  18. Ive seen a couple of different dogs that would smash into a boar and get bashed about that wouldn't entertain a little ol fox.
  19. He charges between £80 and £120 and most of its done with a laptop
  20. I know a fella who makes a very very good living clocking peoples motors so I'd say there's plenty getting done.
  21. Pal of mines missus has just had a litter of 7 borders.Full borders but no papers.She put them on one of the pet sites last week at 4 weeks old for 650 each and had sold them all within 10mins of putting the advert on.I went over his place that evening and she reckoned she'd had over a 100 calls and messages.She must have had another 30 in the 90mins I was round his place.
  22. Definitely has that inbred mongol look to him
  23. Nice bit of Guava Dawg Curing at the moment.
  24. Was meant to be going to Majorca mid August for 2weeks with my pal and our daughters.Flights are paid with Ryanair and we've paid a grand deposit on the Villa.We had an Email the other day from Ryanair claiming our flight is still going.My mate messaged the Villa firm and they reckon its still good.Im thinking of just pulling the plug on it a kissing the 1200quid im into it goodbye rather than chucking another 1500quid in and loosing that as well.
  25. A lot of these foreign companies offer these type of guarantees untill something actually happens to the bike.There was a guy on a mtb forum a few weeks bag who'd smapped a frame on an 8grand santa cruz.When he sent it away they basically said it was through misuse (Its a mountain bike ffs)wheras I know first hand of lads having frames replaced or repaired no questions asked by orange.In fact a pal of mine bought a 7year old frame second hand which he sent to orange to be serviced,new bearings and re powder coated(A service which I believe no other company offers)A week or so later orange phon
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