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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. downsouth


    Living 5mins from Whitstable which apparently has the beat oysters in the Uk and the famous oyster restaurant and festival I have them from time to time.Dont mind them but theyre not at the top of my list of shellfish.
  2. downsouth


    Spent a couple of winters Scalloping on my pals boat out of Rye harbour on the East Sussex coast.We would get a fresh uncut loaf from a bakery on the way every mornig and cook the scallops fresh as we picked them off the deck.Never had them taste so good since.
  3. Dig deeper and get him a pair of Le chameau
  4. Pride was great.No drug testing in their contracts so everyone juiced to the max maybe with the exception of Diaz
  5. Now you're really talking like a c**t
  6. Bit like when they used to make you sit in the corner all day in a big pointed hat with a big D on the front mate.
  7. Thats true Max but how many kids just got labelled as dunces or weirdos years ago so maybe didnt get the type of educations or help that suited them.
  8. Thats funny you say about your neice being overly concerned for others.My girl always gets a shining school report but one of the things that made me so proud was a techers comment that said"Any is such a polite and caring little girl who always shows the most beautiful empathy to her teachers and all of her peers.
  9. Ive taken my girl swimming at least twice a week since the age she was out of nappies but no ammount of coaxing would get her to take he armbands off.Then one day when she was 5 I forgot them and didnt realise untill we were changed.2hrs later she was swimming 25metres unaided.Funny thing is she is absolutely useless at any other sport.Cant hit a ball with a bat,will try to kick a ball and miss it or trp over it,Half the time if she runs she will end up flat on her face.Weve got a feeling that she might also have dyspraxia as this very often goes hand in hand with autism.Shes 9 and cant ride a
  10. Oh yeah I forgot the noise thing???
  11. My girl is ok when she gets to know people but has her own group of friends and takes a while to trust people and is very awkward if even her best friends try to hug her.Most people dont even realise that she is autistic and just think shes shy unless they spend a bit of time around her and get to see her little quirks.She had a real rough time going back to school after the lockdown it was almost like starting all over again.Also she cant understand why kids can be nasty or mean as weve taught her to always be nice and treat people how you like to be treated and like I already said she takes
  12. My daughter is on the spectrum.Super high achieving at school which is great considering we wernt sure if she'd be able to go to a mainstream school when she was little.Can be a bit socially awkward and within herself.Takes everything we tell her literally and cant get her head around somebody doing something that weve told her isnt right.Also everything has to go in its place almost a bit ocd.Cant go to toilet anywhere apart from home and will hold it all day which she has done since she was a toddler.Funny how someone mentioned lining things up as when she was a toddler she would line stuff
  13. So do I.I also like to buy nice clobber for my girl.Probably got something to do with my parents always being skint when I was a kid and never having nice gear like some of my pals had untill I was old enough to earn enough dough to buy my own.
  14. Plenty of lads think that 7.99 for a sack of dog grub is good enough so they definitely wont spend a few quid on decent wormers if they can buy some old shit for pennies
  15. His mother,Complete opposite.Calm,steady and sensible.12years old when I had my last dig with her.Would have still worked after that if given the chance.
  16. downsouth


    The way he comes in swinging punches I cant see him getting anywhere with even half decent heavyweights and any top level cruiser shouldnt struggle too much with him either
  17. Does anyone know of any decent litters of Staffs about or due in the near future.Used to be 2 a penny round here but dont seem to see many about the last few years.
  18. I had a neighbour for a few years who came from Durham.Thought he was a bit mental when he kept looking over the fence and going on about monkeys.Took me a few weeks before Irealised he was going on about my ferrets.
  19. Yeah he could have mistook it for a red kite or even worse one of them poxy Goshawk's
  20. Thats an Essex retard thing??
  21. People who day "boils my piss".Wankers
  22. And that has pumped you full of rage to the point that you feel like smashing your whole place up.Think you need to book an appointment to have a little chat with someone mate before you hurt yourself .
  23. Might be used the same but doesnt mean it it is the same.Also read the side effects that shit can give humans(Ive experienced them)and then think about if you want to give them to your dog.
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