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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Saw them several times when they did their promotional tour for this album.Many mitzi's got scoffed that year between me and my best pal.
  2. I love a drop of grey goose as much as the next person mate but if I'm out partying or clubbing the last thing I want is some c**t taking a picture of me and sticking it on social media.There once was a time I didnt want my parents knowing what my parents knowing now I dont want my daughter knowing what Im up too ??
  3. Saw Sasha and John Digweed at Amnesia in 96.Proper club
  4. Was at this gig in Amsterdam last November with 7pals that ive been partying with for the best part of 30years.Old act and an old crowd still having it harder than any of these younger lot that are all too busy trying to look cool staring into their phones for Instagram.
  5. DJ Rap.She was a hottie back in the day and could mix.
  6. Sat behind the decks and watched him scratching when my mate DJ Pooch used to resident at the World Dance parties at Lydd Airport in the early 90s
  7. One of my favourite DJs from back in the day.
  8. Could never get into Coxy.His mixing skills were impressive especially when he was doing the 3deck thing but could never get into his vibe for a whole set.
  9. Even mixing CDs takes more skill than what them other birds are doing.To be fair Lisa weren't a bad DJ back in the day.Bit cheesy and commercial for my taste but saw her a few times as she used to play a lot of the same place as my Pal Charlie C who Id sometimes tag along with for a free night out.
  10. You dont.My pal who's been Djing since the 80s and was one of the early Kiss FM DJs when it was still a pirate station was showing me in his studio a few months back.You play one tune in digital format,pick your next track and push a button and the equipment will cue the next track,change the pitch and match the beats up.He didnt even need to put a pair of headphones on.Thats why its gone from geezers behind the decks with their heads down mixing ir sifting through a record box to a bunch of ex models posing behind a laptop.I saw that Debora De Luca in Ibiza a few years back and you could blat
  11. Whats she doing thats so special?pushuing autocue buttons and twisting a few buttons for effect.Seamlessly cueing up and mixing vinyl is a skill but what these modern DJ birds are doing aint anything special thats why they have so much time to be jumping about waving their hands about.
  12. Dont sound a bad deal mate.The five is deffo 2016 or later.Get the tyres set up tubeless mate.So much easier.
  13. How much did you give for it mate?What year and any trick parts on it?
  14. f***ing Meat Loaf.where do you live 1984?
  15. Yeah did that in Dam last year.Ate half a muffin whist sat in Hill Street Blues chatting away for over an hour.Nothing happened so scoffed the other half.Got up and went for a walk about and it all crept up at once.I was f****d and just scoffing any junk in sight for the next 5hrs.
  16. Just gotta be careful with the edibles.A lot of the time I dont think the dosage on the packs is very accurate.Im pretty sure they're not made und medical laboratory conditions.Ive had some stated as high dose and Ive necked a few and its just chilled me out and got rid of my aches after a days graft and ive had others that have stated a lot lower and ive necked a couple straight off and they've wiped me out for the whole evening to the point that I wont even attempt to answer the phone and have a conversation with one of my best pals.
  17. I stick to the edibles these days.Gotta go careful everytime you get a new batch.They're a completely different animal to smoking.Once they kick in it can be a long old ride
  18. Jenny and that Sykes bird both look like they could do with a few good meat puddings in em.Skinny old things
  19. Suppose they were alright at the time if you was 7
  20. Forgot about that one.Proper powerful ol sort wernt she.
  21. He was known as old stone face.I come from a fanatical dart playing family.Between my dad and his 2 brothers theyve won our towns singles championship over 20 times as well as multiple doubles,trebles and team championships.Uncles,cousins have all played superleague and county level over the years.John Lowe was the family favourite,also loved Bobby George and all hated Eric Bristow.
  22. Wish I still had some hair mate.And my legs are way too skinny to get away with jeans like them.
  23. downsouth


    Girl I grew up with and her husband who Ive known for years own a couple of seafood stalls down here.Fatal if I'm passing one of them on a weekend as I always end up stopping for a chat and leaving a good 40quid lighter.
  24. downsouth


    Nothing like whelks.If you saw what a whek has as its last meal I doubt youd ever eat the rank dirty things again.
  25. downsouth


    Bang on.Crab claws are much better value and taste just as nice if not better.
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