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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. 4" thick will be fine as long as you chuck some mesh in it.if you can get 6"of hardcore whacked down under it all the better.Price for the concrete will depend obviously on size of base,Wether you're getting it readymixed or knocking it up yourself.If you are knocking up are you buying bulk bags of ballast from a builders merchant or loose from a quarry etc
  2. The whole program was exactly what I expected.Loads of accusations with no real evidence to back anything up.Made me laugh when he apparently went up to MTKs main man in America's house and questioned him for 15mins but didn't get anything on tape.Just typical panorama shit journalism.
  3. If he wasnt ripping his fighters off they might not have f**ked off.Hes just settled out of court with Frampton after loads of emails were retrieved which were apparently deleted from his computers.Frampton said in an interview that he was very happy with the settlement.
  4. Maybe so but I wouldn't want to convict a man on the word of The Sun or Panorama.Or the old Bill for that matter ???
  5. Yeah thats him.From what I've read he's never actually been found guilty of anything.
  6. A lot of big fights only seem to be getting made because of MTK and a lot of fighters seem to be very happy to be signed to them and the deals/purses they are getting because of them.
  7. I hope it does happen.If anyone has a chance of beating Canelo its Billy Joe as he has the best skillset and boxing brain of anybody at that weight.The main problem is if the fight is in America its gunna be near on impossible to get a win over Canelo unless Billy knocks him out.
  8. Decent stuff dont even exist over here mate its all smashed to f**k with synthetic shit long before it even gets here.Anything that even resembles a bit of flakey stuff is £80/£100 a G round here so id hate to think what 3 for £100 must be like.
  9. Weed dont turn people into complete pricks like coke does and Im not saying that as a person thats never had a line or 10,000
  10. Thats quite normal after a knockout
  11. Who the fucks Tommy Montana.Is it the bloke Al Pinocchio played?
  12. Maybe your kids should be euthanized so they cant end up turning into a stupid c**t like you
  13. Exactly.It could be agued that the UFC made him with promotion the same way they made Rhonda Rousey who unlike him decided to retire when she realised she wasnt quite as good as the hype made her out to be.Youre right in thatin that he rose through the ranks bullying smaller fighters starving himself down to 145.Also right about the leg kicks.If you wanna see someone with heart you only have to go back and watch urigha fabar fighting with his leg turned to a mush.
  14. It was hilarious when he was doing an interview saying how poor he was and was on benefits when training to be a pro fighter.I think it was Aldo who stopped him in his tracks and said"So you was claiming money meant for single mothers"???
  15. Was never on the tools in the first place.He was claiming benefits whilst training to be a cagefighter.
  16. When it was all orchards around me in the 80s and 90s Bullies were very common.It wasnt unusual to see multi compartment bully traps dotted around the farms
  17. Yep.And he shot for a takedown on Diaz in the first fight knowing Diaz was far superior on the ground because he knew he was getting knocked out and then turned over and gave up his back.I watched an interesting interview with Chael Sonnen where he stated that certain fighters will purposely give up their back or a position so they get choked rather that quit if they dont want anymore.
  18. Thing is though hes just classless and his trash talking isnt even entertaining or witty.He was just pushed through the rankings and handed fights against smaller fighters but got found out as soon as he met decent fighters his own size.one of my all time favourite fighters was a Chael Sonnen was known for his trash talking and was actually known as the bad guy but the difference is he was actually funny and intelligent with it and would actually fight anyone.
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