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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. I bet she can shit.Wouldnt wanna go in the khazi after her.
  2. Thats because it doesn't take brains to paint
  3. Does it really matter what you chuck in the mix.Despite what old Billy bullshitter tried leading people to believe its not really any great shakes to kill a few poxy rats.Ive seen all manner of mongrel terriers,whippets and even collies kill rats in numbers.
  4. downsouth


    That sika brush in stuff is good as long as youre not regularly having to clean or jetwash dog piss etc off.I used to quite like pointing patios but my back will only allow me to do do an hour or so at a time these days
  5. downsouth


    Ammount of people Ive had to tell not to spot sandstone as the spots bleed through to the surface.On top of the fact that its a shit way to do it anyway.
  6. JBL's all the way.A nice little pair of bookshelf sized speakers will still pack a punch.Ive even got a couple of different sized JBL portable bluetooth speakers that sound amazing for their size and come out on top in all the tests against similar priced/sized speakers
  7. f***ing Jamo's?Its not the 80s
  8. Just as well I had tattoos and earings then otherwise he might have tried grooming me like all them other poor innocent young lads.Old Mick Douglas thought he was a complete bullshitter too.
  9. The cure for everything???
  10. Nice to see old Mick Douglas in this film.Spent a few good days coursing with him on his marsh about 25years back and a few good times smoking with him when he used to come down and spend the odd week on his boat near me.My first ever lurcher came off my mate who's dogs all came off Mick.Proper character
  11. Wouldnt own one of them bags of shit either???
  12. "You can see the bull terrier in that ones head"As he points to a snipey headed thing???And what the f**k was wrong with them rabbits that them poxy old Alsatian's were catching?
  13. Why would he want a f***ing American rat terrier??
  14. Thats because they like to keep thir bullshit to themselves.
  15. Ive seen one of them up in london but round here they are normally 4,6 or 8m.unless its a straight pour into a footing I nearly always use a volumetric these days as its less of a rush,they're so much cleaner as you dont end up with a prick of a drive overload ling barrows because they wanna be off in 5mins.A lot of our jobs we do on gas sites we still do a lot of knocking up by hand though as sometimes it too much agro to keep getting permits for lorries to keep coming on site.
  16. Not really putting people in their place by knowing how to work out how much concrete a base will take.I reckon I could teach my 9 year old the formula to work that out in in about 10mins
  17. Every plummer Ive personally seen were f***ing useless things that were more interested in fighting than working
  18. Are you sure someone hadn't driven a lorry across it???At least somebody has had actual experience of what I was trying to explain.
  19. This estate is only a couple of years old and its f***ing shocking.Theres sections of roads thst have dropped so muck the manholes are sticking 2" up out of them and you can see the bottoms of the kerbs and the concrete they were laid on.Theres people stuck there in houses they cant even get insurance on or sell.Garden walls that have inch cracks every every few metres where the footing have broke their backs.Mad thing is my pal built a little chalet bungalow on the opposite side of the main road from this estate about 15years back and after digging a couple of trial holes was made to pile a r
  20. No mate.Clay is probably the worst ground going to build on as it shrinks in the summer and then swells when wet.Theres a housing estate built near me a couple of years back in an are thats all clay.Theres parts where the paths and roads have broken up all over the place.Theres houses on there that have cracked all the way from the footing to the roof plate.If you're in Kent Id happily help you out mate.Anywhere else I cant help as I cant leave this beautiful covid hotspot I live in???
  21. Let me guess.Youd recommend knocking it up 10 and 1 to save a couple of quid on cement too
  22. Reinforcing mesh.Any builders merchants should stock it.You could get away without it but for the few quid it costs for a 10x6 ft sheet I always chuck it in to be on the safe side especially in ground thats heavy clay which is prone to heaving and shrinking with the weather
  23. So have I as Im a groundworker for a living and Ive seen concrete crack because of ground movement especially if the ground has a lot of clay.A sheet of mesh is 16/20 quid.Hardley gunna break the bank
  24. Do it right do it once.
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