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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Wouldn't feed that shit to chickens
  2. Nothing wrong with Dr johns if yo listen to half of the tight fisted c**ts on here.
  3. Aint even put a decent dent in them.
  4. No we're not like you Welsh lads.We haven't got it for break time entertainment.
  5. Probably because that shit had no nutritional value ???
  6. Funnily enough the old red lurcher on the left of the photo Is a gt grandson of her.
  7. Not really mate they all seem to catch on after a couple of outings if there'splenty about.Obviously the lurchers normally beat the little dogs for catching when they hit the ground.I did have an imported American bulldog years ago that was a fanatical squirrel hunter.She was a pain in the arse if I was just trying to have a walk anywhere there was a load.
  8. I always use a compressor when first fitting tubeless tyres to get them sealed on the beads.Never had any luck getting them to seal using a stirrup pump or co2.
  9. It was 6 actually.Then Brog entered so I retired from competition
  10. Neither would I if I owned an ugly c**t like that
  11. Instead of just wearing it to do the housework like usual?
  12. Instead of just wearing it to do the housework like usual?
  13. The older 1.9 Engines were good but had 3 vw/audi group motors with the 2.0tdi engine and all have been money pits that ended up with major problems even though Im probably a bit ott with servicing and maintenance.
  14. Had pretty much all of the terrier and lurcher books written up untill about 10years back along with every edrd going back to the first one but flogged or gave away pretty much all of them after meeting or spending days out with a fair few authors/article writers and realising most of them are full of complete shit.
  15. And then theres the story of the top fighting dog The something White that he claimed went into his terriers.A top fighting dog that no bulldog man Ive ever spoken to has ever heard of and the dog who you wont find written about anywhere else or in any pedigrees apart from the fantasies that he wrote.
  16. Haven't got to that point yet but when I do have a piss I have to give it 10mins to make sure Ive definitely finished before I put it away.Reminds me of my amphetamine days
  17. Dont know your mate or his dogs but Ive known plenty of presa's just flip out one day for no reason at all.
  18. Is that one of them pocket rockets?
  19. Ive said it before in the past that the main problem with bull crosses is the dogs actually have more brains than 90% of the people that own them.
  20. Maybe you need to put ladders up to the holes.
  21. Whats the breeding behind that one mate?Do you know the girl well who took that photo?
  22. Have a read through a couple of Plummers books about the origional ones he owned but considering the tall tales he used to write it could be anyones guess.
  23. Too many lads keep them banged up single from pups and dont get them out enough.When I kept bull crosses,Black terriers and even an apbt I could have them all mixing like that even with liþers of pups mixing with them.Couldn't be doing with dogs wanting to scrap with their kennel mates.Only time I had any bother was when my Mrs got 2 showey Russell/White lakey types.Even then it would usually be one of the cowardly c**ts bashing a pup for no reason.
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