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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Ive always been a bit wary of the cheap chinese ones.Sèen a few reviews where theyve broken up after a frame strike.
  2. Thinks he's tough behind his keyboard the little squirt
  3. Ive just ordered one of these even though Ive more assorted frames than I'll possibly ever use.Thought Id give it a try as it could save a lot of time and agro tieing on new bands when out hunting.Especially on a freezing day when your fingers are numb
  4. Whats the model you've got called.I cant seem to find it on their website.
  5. What frame is that mate and do you have a link to where you bought it.Been looking for something with the grip type attachments.As theres nothing worse than trying to tie new bands on in the field with freezing cold hands.
  6. Hes pretty sharp on them.I owned his gt grandmother which was an imported American bulldog about 20years ago and she was excellent at the squirrel job
  7. I bet it can.They bumped our numbers up and we aint got a good dog between us.
  8. I think there was only 2 killed stone dead with the cattys this morning as the trees were really tall.The rest came down injured and were picked up by the dogs.
  9. These were a couple of full mornings a few weeks back.
  10. Been using 0.6 and 0.65 24/12 taper.My pal was using 0.5 20/15.Both GSK
  11. Most of them we stuck a couple of shots in the dreys.I poked One drey out of a low fork with a long stick and five shot out of it.Had lots of doubles out of dreys too.
  12. All killed using 9.5mm steel this morning
  13. I bet we didnt cover much more than 5/acres of woodland to get them and we wernt even going hard at them.That was literally an hour as my pal had to be somewhere.
  14. Lazy c**ts or just plain thick c**ts.How anyone in this day and age can honestly believe that sending a youngster charging in blind beats me.But if someone is that stupid to think thats the right way to go theyre probably too stupid to have their mind changed.
  15. The couple that own my local boozer have got a couple of them that the bought back from spain.Lost count of the times ive given the poxy things a whack round the snout for jumping up me.
  16. Last thing you should do is show it a stop end and anyone who tells you thats the way to start a terrier is a f**king idiot.If its got anything about it get it out and about next season and it should be able to find its own fox and work it at its own pace.
  17. How much do most of these raw places charge per kg for chicken/beef
  18. We use sacrificial anodes to lay groundbeds which we attach to high pressure steel gas mains.My pal lit a fire in a skip in his yard without realizing one of the lads had thrown a couple of snapped anodes in it.He reckons the went off like f**king bombs.
  19. Dont think its just deprived areas mate.My daughter goes to a lovely little village school with a mixture of kids from hosing estates through to farmers kids a few loaded my shit dont stink types.Ive made sure my girl has done every bit of home shoolong shes been set right from the start of lockdown even though a few bit have been a struggle.Im on a watsapp group with all the other parents from her class and its all the snotty nosed c**ts who think the sun shines out of their little angels arses that have constantly been on there complaining that theyve been in tears and how the stress and arg
  20. f***ing things are like dogs on some of the old gas sites around London.You can walk to within a few yards and they dont move.We were conreting some bases on a site in west London last summer and and ha one sat on some grass watching us all day.The poxy thing even stretched out and had kip for an hour.Only thing that was stranger were the flocks of parakeets that kept landing in the trees.
  21. No reason they shouldnt work though.Ive seen foxes using concrete cable troughs that run above ground on gas sites Ive worked on.Especially around the greater London area.
  22. Ive got to the point where I dont like killing anything these days unless its absolutely essential.Just part of getting older and hopefully a bit wiser I suppose.
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