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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. All these new fad diets are a load of old bollocks and impossible for anyone to stick to for any serious amount of time and as soon as you come off them your body is gunna hold on to everything its been craving for however long its not been getting it.Its not rocket science to loose weight.Cut out the shit,refined sugars etc.Eat sensible sized portions and do plenty of exercise.
  2. Exactly.Ive got a 6k bike and its only got one on the front and 11 on the back.Lowest gear I can climb the steepest,longest hills and top gear is fine apart from long downhill runs on roads but at the end of the day its not a roadbike and theres more than enough gears in between.On the plus side less weight,less shit to go wrong or maintain,less junk on the bars andwho wants to be clicking through 30gears anyway?
  3. Probably because 90% of lurhers have got a c**t on the end their lead.
  4. If you're gunna get a e bike and hoping to get anything much under 4k be prepared for it to fall apart as it will be made with shit components.
  5. Always makes me laugh when people say they were set up.If you dont say or do illegal or just plain f**king stupid stuff in front of complete strangers just to stroke your own ego you cant be set up.All the mouthy twats that have be caught because they've been showing off or gobbing off need to realise they've set themselves up.
  6. Has there been allegations about Schoefield then?
  7. You keep picking them you'll end up pissing the bed.
  8. Touch of the green eyed monster coz you haven't got any ??
  9. I thought so,I watched the film the other week hes a scouser aint he?.Ive got a scouse pal that did 10 years in the Bangkok Hilton.We all told him to be careful out there but them scousers seem to think they can go to SE Asia and carry oo like they're still in England.
  10. Is he the ex junkie who did a bit of bird in Thailand
  11. That James English prick is like cheap,evencringier internet version of Danny Dyer.Sucking off a load of over the hill ex wannabe gangsters.
  12. Thats 2 famous'ish people from my town snuffed it this week.The bloke off the comedy programme that someone posted about last week on here and noe Les.I wonder if Geldof will be next?
  13. And all his kung fu fighting was only pretend anyway.
  14. If youve levelled out your mot/type 1 good enough youd be better of laying on muck straight on top of that.
  15. Spotting them is shit.Always sound hollow and allows water to get underneath which if it freezes will lift the slabs.Solid bed all the way.
  16. He always comes across as an arrogant prick whos full of shit
  17. Youd probably be alright if you gaffer taped their mouths shut and put boxing gloves on them so they couldnt scratch eachother
  18. And just as many are prone to not being able to find it in the first place??
  19. That top one could do with some body armour to go with that crash helmet.
  20. Staggered allows for anything being a mm or 2 out.When you say lay them on sand are you just laying them on screeded out sand?
  21. Probably not.You always hear loads of talk but f**k all ever gets done thats why the scumbag c**ts carry on the way they do.
  22. All entrepreneurs have to start somewhere
  23. Didnt wanna give him a score to spend on sniff but would pay him a tenner so he could buy a bag of brown.
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