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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Especially if you're a big girls blouse like ss and dont work em.
  2. Could never get my head around breeding heavy bull blooded lurchers back to bulldogs.If you need to be breeding bulldog back into them then surely your lurchers aren't good enough to be breeding from in the first place.
  3. Rogan,Diaz,burr are all great.Tom Seggura and Bert kreischner are hilarious too.Never heard rinnelas podcasts but watched all of his meateater series and Yates is a very interesting,intelligent bloke to listen to on all subjects not just bodybuilding and fitness.
  4. If they're asking you to supply them let them have them.Aint your problem if its not above board.
  5. Is there such a line or do you just have a gt gt gt gt grandson/grandaughter
  6. Only allowed to catch them if them if they are in full flight.
  7. Suppose your school didn't wanna bother wasting funds on a load of sruffy old thicko's ??
  8. It was alright.Same as the other 57 Pye bred dogs threads on here really.???
  9. Thing is they cant kill it if they cant catch it.And if a 80lb dog cant do something 4times smaller than itself that cant run either like you say what are they good for.
  10. Did your mates dads name start with M?Had a day digging with a lad from Scotland years ago who said he had the dog at his place for a while.
  11. Seen a few first and half crosses look like that bred from the right bulldogs and conditioned right
  12. Never been a dedcent working terrier come out of Wales
  13. No they just keep making up new types and colours of frenchie when the arse falls out the in thing.
  14. The fluffy gene ????It gets f**king worse.
  15. Cropped ears are easy enough to get round with dodgy passports and foreign chips.As for pitbull types I dont think a lot of councils have the funds to enforce it.
  16. Only a matter of time before something bad happens with one of them things.Ive seen too many soppy little gangster wannabes that shouldn't even be allowed to own an animal trying there hand at protection work with these scatterbred mutts.Shows how money can come before any kind of morals that certain protection trainers/decoys will even entertain them.
  17. Not after general exercise unless they'd had a serious run beside the bike etc but would always give my dogs a rub down and go right over them to check for any little injuries and wash their feet etc after a nights running.
  18. What quarry has changed in the UK in the last 100years?Also what environment has changed?Cant recall any deserts appearing over here either.Not saying everyone should run the same cross but there are already multiple crossed and types that through years of selective breeding excell at their chosen quarry/land.Really cant see what the galgo would add to any of them.
  19. People have been importing different breeds for decades and doing different crosses to produce the perfect types for whatever their chosen sport/quarry is.Im sure if these Galgo's were much cop somebody would have done something worth doing with them long before now.People need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel but who am I?Im sure theres some crank out there that will bring some over and breed something thats gunna knock spots off anything thats already out there.
  20. Exactly.I think too many lads dont think about it untill their youngsters start showing an unhealthy interest.I think you're bang on about giving off energies too,I think my laid back,dont give a f**k energy must rub off on my dogs.
  21. I must have been lucky over the years that Ive never had a problem with stockbreaking with any of mine from terriers/Lurchers/spaniels/pitbulls and bandogs.I do start stockbreaking at 8weeks and keep on them everyday if possible untill I know they're bombproof.Saying that I introduced my present bandog to chickens at my pals a few months ago and a stearn "you F**king leave em" was enough that within 10minutes she was mooching round his paddock with chickens pecking round her whilst we were building his new stables.She goes out hacking a few days a week after meeting horses for the first time a
  22. Not many.Saying that I can count the good ones Ive seen up North on one hand over the years.Heard of plenty but heard all the excuses under the sun when it comes to seeing them run.We always double up to get the numbers seems to be the favourite one.
  23. Very few if any.Thats why 90% of bull crosses aint worth a w**k.
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