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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Jim Davidson about as funny as a dose of the shits.
  2. And dossers that are too lazy to look after a proper pet.
  3. Goa techno.Can almost smell the BO through the screen
  4. You're not the only one mate.And the thing is they probably wouldnt be missed.Im sure half them boring wallys only keep exotic wild animals to try and make themselves seem more interesting.
  5. Think you should leave the Jussie jokes to Chappelle.
  6. Anyone on here know of anybody who breeds genuine working wire haired Vizlas?
  7. There hss been huge outrage from different circles about his material but hes very clever about the way he goes about it.Thats why hes so f***ing funny.
  8. Chappelle showing why hes the best comedian out there.That whole special he did and the one before were brilliant.
  9. Proper bit of Chicago Acid.
  10. f***ing hell there was some old shit being churned out after The Prodigy hit big with Charly.Them c**ts with the whistles needed them punched down their throats.All dressed up in silly white gloves and glow sticks.
  11. He was a Kent lad and a bit of a flash prick.Went very quiet the night someone dropped a strawberry ohm in his can of coke at World Dance
  12. Nice bit of lighter stuff turned up this last week.
  13. No mate all I know is its come via Spain.
  14. Been a few different quality bits of hash popping up around my way lately.Not homemade stuff eitherSome really nice black.
  15. Too much calcium without the correct balance of phosphorus can be just as harmful.Plenty of raw chicken bone has the correct balance so Ive read.
  16. Neo blood works well mate as long as its crossed with something a lot more functional
  17. Out of interest he wouldn't belong to a kennel called fortress mallosers or something like that would he.Do you have any pics of him?
  18. Of course the methods come into question.If the scumbags are chasing stuff about chucking multiple dogs out it doesnt matter if they catch four times as much gear them dogs aren't being tested.Ive known of absolute shit touted as world beaters using them methods.
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