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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Thats exactly where he is mate.Whenever Im in Thailand I have 3massages a day ?? at 200/300 baht a pop it would be rude not to
  2. You beat me to it mate,Something there for everyone.She can lay around a pool whilst being waited on hand and foot,being pampered and you can be 50yds away landing 150lb carp whilst being waited on hand and foot.My pals in krabi right now with his missus doing exactly that.
  3. Thats f**king ridiculous,no wonder we cant find a youngun capable of doing a days work these days.About all any of the little mongs can manage is to stare blankly into their phones.
  4. 9s or 10s???seems everything is a 9 or 10 these days with the younger lot.Never hear anyone say its a 4 or 5
  5. Proper old school hash.That modern stuff is no different than smoking weed
  6. It seems to be getting cheaper by the week.During lockdown it was making 180/200quid an oz and 4800 upwards on the box.Now its down to 140s and 32/34 a box and probably cheaper if you wanna deal with Albo's.Good quality hash is actually making better money with the old school stoners.
  7. Stanley are plenty good enough.Ive normaly got 3 ir 4 in my toolbag and a couple knocking about in my motor and a few more around the house and shed.If the Milwalkee ones are as good as their power tools then theyll be the bollocks but I couldnt spend that much on a tape or knife.Not with sime of the useless c**ts Ive worked with over the years who like to borrow stuff for a second but cant ever seem to put things back where the got them from.
  8. Looking good mate.You'll have to come over for another walk out and a smoke soon.
  9. Theres 2 shops a couple doors away from eachother.Go to the Bagel Bake the blue and white shop on the right which will probably have a queue coming out the door and up the pavement.
  10. The pies in them pie n mash shops are a load of shit,Saying that the mash aint to clever either.Youd be better off going to Brick Lane and trying a nice salt beef bagel and a slab of cheesecake.
  11. At the end of the day if your half crosses cant work everything that the uk has to hunt then they need shooting not breeding back to a bulldog.
  12. Not knocking you for using it mate as you did probably the only sensible thing to do and used it straight on a greyhound.Just cant see what anyones hoping to achieve by breeding one in the first place.
  13. Thats a nice looking thing mate but could never work out why anyone feels the need to breed a reverse 3/4 bred
  14. Wouldnt pay quid for it.The clue to the quality is in the name.Muesli
  15. 6 litters out of 1 bitch in 4years,Hardly what youd call ethical either though were they
  16. Never got anything valued as its not for sale as its all nice to collect.Be different if it was truly life changing money but if you're doing it to get rich you'd be better off spending your time more wisely and going to work.
  17. The Portuguese coin was found exactly as the photo shows sitting on the surface 1minute after stepping out of the motor on the way home after spend all weekend on a paid rally in the pissing hard rain and finding nothing.Everyone wants to find treasure but its whether you're willing to spend months at a time digging nails,buttons and shotgun cartridges
  18. Few years worth of assorted coins.
  19. Few nice bits of gold found in the last 2years
  20. First time I saw them was Margate winter gardens in 96
  21. Saw these in Margate in November and went to the Afterparty at their Albion Rooms hotel.Really wasnt sure what to expect but they were pretty tight now Pete has finally seemed to have got his shit together.
  22. Saw them at Dreamland in Margate a few months ago.It was like walking into a Paul Weller lookalikey contest.1000 geezers in their 50s all with weller haircuts dressed in pretty green.
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