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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Like my pal said you know to be on your guard with the darkies round his way especially the somalies because you know the might stab or squirt you whilst trying to rob you but it was a white fella who done him for no reason other than he had a load of gob whils full of beer and charly and was coming unstuck.
  2. He aint the sort to press charges or go for compensation mate.But the fella has been dealt with and is always looking over his shoulder ??
  3. Worse bit is he was only picking his mate up from a party in a pub and his mate asked him to come in which he didnt really want to as he doesnt drink.Some twat started mothing off at him and offering him outside so he went outside and chinned the fella who then turned round and squirted him.
  4. Seems to be part and parcel of living where he does these days mate.
  5. Hes a really good mate who'd do anything he can to help you but youre bang on I wouldnt want him as an enemy.He was a real handy amateur boxer untill some f**ker squirted him with acid and he lost an eye.Hes boy in the pic is about 10 now and is a great kid,Just started boxing but is more into his football.Hes got another boy whos about 6 now whos a proper rough little f**ker,Gunna be a right little handful.
  6. Dunno why I went for the Malossi ove the pinnasco really mate although I have gone for the kit with the aluminium head as opposed to the ast head as theyre supposed to dissipate heat a lot better.To be honest mate everything Ive bought for it is more about speed,handling and stopping as opposed to looking fancy.Although this is something like the look im going for which for someone whos always been into bigger bikes I think looks the bollocks
  7. More than that if you want good stuff
  8. Just bought this a couple of weeks ago.First thing was to strip all the Mod shit off of it especially when my daughter nearly pissed herself laughing and said you're gunna look like youre riding a christmas tree dad.Its presently stripped down to nothing ready for powder coating.New Sip rims,shocks,calipers and levers.Engine being rebuilt with malossi kit,bigger carb,cut crank,carbon reeds,new pipe and a sip ignition.
  9. My pal was very involed with East end kennels back in the day and said all them fuckers would do you if you caught them having a bad day and most of them would even on a good day.
  10. Nelis bred dog by any chance Gnash?
  11. Spent a few evenings getting on it in my pals studio while he cobbled this one together.
  12. Anothe mate pf mine of over 20years.Whod believe hes 50?scruffy little twat looks about 17.When he used to play down at World dance/Slammers and Aquarium in the 90s he looked about 12 stood behind the decks.
  13. Tacky as f**k.How many bare knuckle kings of the Gypsies is there?
  14. Bit of a banger that my mate made back in the late 90s
  15. Sorry mate but thats f**king awful
  16. So you got her what you wanted?
  17. My daughter nagged me for this one.It was living at my mates missuse's stables where my girl goes riding.My pal told his missus she had to get rid of it after it had killed a good half a dozen of his game birds.I quite like it as its a decent little hunter but I dont expect anything from it wheras if I had a terrier here I d end up trying it then getting pissed off with it if it wernt any good ??
  18. Ive got one here that I bought for my daughter but Ive right taken to it.I regularly walk 10+miles on a saturday and sunday morning and it doesnt stop hunting the whole time im out with it. Immaculately clean around the house even though it hadn't lived indoors till I got it at 18months old,doesn't make a peep and great with people and other dogs.
  19. Could never see the point in them.What are they gunna do any better that a good half cross cant.
  20. Exactly that.You wont find gear if you aint out there looking for it.Put the hours in and youll find stuff sooner or later
  21. Footpaths too and from pubs are worth trying.Pissed up people over the years loosing money whilst falling over.
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