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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. I am considering buying an old banger to do a full on cutdown with.Lads cant believe with this one what Ive done to a genuine 2000 miles scooter.They seem to tkink I should have judt restored it.
  2. @JackknifeLooking a bit better now.
  3. My pal had a deerhound/greyhound that loved a smoke when we were teenagers after spending evenings in his escort van while we all got stoned.If you lt a fag in his garden it would run over and hover about waiting for a smoke.If you held it out and it smelled it was just a roll up it would just f**k off if it smelled it was a spliff it would keep pestering you till it got a blowback.
  4. Exactly mate.Ive got 2 here and never have to pick a shit up or wash down piss on my yard.Same when I had multiple dogs in kennels with the exception of very young pups.Quick half an hour in the morning and a good walk of an evening is all it takes.
  5. Most of them old bulldog legends are nothing more than dog peddling old hillbillies who probably dont live much better themselves.
  6. This one always went down well at the Sunrise parties.Reckon it must have been them Doves that were doing the rounds.
  7. Never said I kept them in the house although the odd ones have stayed in.Maybe Im just not a hard terrirman.I suppose letting them indoors makes them soft and stops them working eh?
  8. And sometimes it is the dogs fault.What do you suggest?Giving it a second chance to bite someone.
  9. What a load of bollocks.All my working dogs over the years Terriers/lurchers/bandogs have been safe around mine and anyone elses kids and would all spend plenty of time in the house.Ive found well bred working dogs to be more stable/sensible than most pet breeds.
  10. Yeah I know and you dont get as much for your bhat.Not the cheap holiday destination that it was when I first went in the early 90s
  11. The good old days whn you got 70bhat for a quid
  12. You're meant to take the wrapper off first.
  13. F**king solar powered jukebox. That'll be nice for other mourners having to listen to Rock n Roll,Country and western and Johny Cash that apparently is all you can listen too if your a gypsie.Listen to anything else and you must be half a gorger bred.
  14. Is there much difference between the Lml's and Vespas?I know a lot of the blokes that own the lml's claim they're the same thing but surely they're cheaper for a reason and if they're just as good why do they all change the badges and try to pretend they're Vespas???
  15. Dont think i ever got the braincells back I lost doing that.Still get headaches now just thinking about it.
  16. Then you moved onto knicking farmers quads and diesel when you became an illegal hare poacher ??
  17. Yeah its a good job I knew It looked shit otherwise i might of got upset when my daughter fell about laughing at it
  18. Yep I can remember one feeling like it was about to seize so we checked the oil and it was bone dry so we poured some vegetable oil and pushed some grease down the filler hole that we found in my mates dads garage and it ran like a dream.
  19. They could take some abuse when ripped apart and thrashed around the woods.We got whole summer holdays of fun out of them things as kids.Then we started earning money and buying motorcrossers and all the f***ing things did was blow up.
  20. We all went to the Kent custom bike show back in the early 90s and my pal went on one of them which he painted in glue and covered in chicken feathers.
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