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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. My latest aquisition.Bit more of the sleeper look with this one
  2. Although the type of keep would probably be different Id say that the type of man who can condition one breed for top level competion could more than likely turn his hand to conditioning another breed for a different sport.Also hes likely to be the type of manWhos willing to put the money,time and effort into turning his dogs out in top nick.
  3. Ive always found any Ive had really eager to please their owner.My old bandog I have now is exactly the same.As long as she understand what I want from her she will do it.And Ive never had to physically reprimand her,Just a Stern word or a look is enough to upset and trying her hardest to please me for the rest of the day.
  4. Another thing the same bulldog men brought to the coursing dogs.Selective breeding and line breeding
  5. Id say its no coincidence that 2 of the top coursing men of the late 90s early 2000s were ex bulldog lads
  6. I couldnt be arsed with the greif any more.About turns every time a dog appears over the horizon and heart in your moth if one appears from around a corner.Mad thing is that the totally sensible,stable bitch I had a pedigree that was full of dogs that were known to be headcases wheras the little psycho was from a line of dogs that were very well balance in fact his mother and his grandfather who was a ch could be trusted around most dogs when not at their work.He just wanted to kill everything on slightly from day 1
  7. Bang on.I can remember bringing a little 12 week old dog pup home who only topped out at 26lb grown.I had a couple of terriers here and a bulldog bitch who was 100%around the terriers and would work along side them and Any other lads dogs I was out with.She could also be left with other biches pups.I thought being a male he should grow up around my bitches fine.I carried him from my car through my back gate and dropped him down and he ran straight across the patio and grabbed my old terrier bich through the head and started shaking her.Fom that day on he couldnt be trusted with anything on 4 l
  8. Just look for a Shepherd from health tested parents with decent hip and elbow scores.Then check that the parents have good nerves and that should be enough.Unless you're going to give it a serious amount of work you dont need anything from serious working blood lines.
  9. Proper cheesy hardcore.Where it all started going wrong???Was you one of the hi viz and whistle brigade??
  10. Sshhhh Most on here think they're expensive if they're not less than 100quid or preferably given to them.
  11. downsouth


    Or maybe the fact that shes 96
  12. Yeah he is half EBTXAB.wouldnt want that temperamental c**t as a gift either.And all hes good for is biting people,Nothing else.
  13. No such thing as a decent EBT.They're all shit.Some are just fitter less fat pieces of shit than others
  14. No one thinks highly of me.Even my pals think Im a horrible c**t
  15. ???idolised.If ever you get to speak to him ask him who went to who for a pup and a stud
  16. ???whats up hit a nerve have I.my timeline was pretty close when Derek checked his own records
  17. I dont know why Id expect anything intelligent to come out of the mouth of someone who claims to have started his line of terriers out of a first cross Patterdale staff that he got off of D Wheeler 2 years before Derek ever bred a Patterdale to a staff.Either thick as f**k or just a born liar
  18. Well it dont say a lot for your intelligence when you just keep repeating yourself.Or are you just obsessed with brasses?
  19. Nah mate they can both be quite witty.He aint got the brains
  20. No not at all you aint bright enough to touch a nerve with me.But the way you're going on It makes me think thats how you found your missus.Walking the streets trying to earn enough for a 20quid bag to share with her big black pimp
  21. Well you keep going on about it.Is brasses your thing when your not on here talking shit or wanking over porn
  22. Not really just thought it was strange that that would be the first thing that popped into your mind
  23. Bit of a weird question.Says a lot about you if thats how your mind works
  24. Nah Rhhannas too young for me.Besides why would I wanna go on there when I already have a very smart looking Bajan bird
  25. If I was after likes Id just go along with all THL tough guys.Is that why you're on here?trying for likes to boost your low self esteem.
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