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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Not really.Chlomid isnt the same as a vics inhaler
  2. Makes you paranoid and your cock shrivel up
  3. Should have got yourself down to Brick Lane for a Salt Beef Bagel.If you like Oysters and you're ever in the SE you need to get yourself down to Whitstable harbour.
  4. Drag it to the nearest bushes.Then once I got it away sit on it for a couple of years
  5. downsouth


    My pal had one that he hand reared when we were kids.It would ride the mile to school on his handlebars every morning and turn up every playtime and dinner time to see him and would be there waiting for him after school.Peter Duncan came to our school and Blue Peter did about a 10minute bit on him.Then a couple of weeks later some horrible c**t shot it
  6. Is it ok to be a hunter but shave your bollocks?Asking for a mate??
  7. Nothing if its in the privacy of your own bedroom
  8. I can remember paying 600 for my first ever bar of puff back in the early 90s.Was paying 400/450 a key just before it all dried up around 2007ish
  9. f***ing hell mate.Where is it 25 on single??Id be all over some of that
  10. 4 or 5 different nice bits round here atm ranging from a nice blonde through to a very heavy black that comes in 200g balls.Been told theres as much as I want with as much time as Id need.My pal whos a right has conaseure reckons its all as good as anything hes smoked in Dam.Hash is making 34s to 36s on single atm whereas your hard pushed to get 34s for top green atm
  11. Dont even have to wait for the green to dry up round here.Few different types of quality hash down this way atm and all of the older heads have given up with the nutty weed and left it to the youngsters to mangle their brains
  12. Seen a couple of short clips of him on Youtube.Looked a bit of an old Iron
  13. We do that with all porcelein times now.Make up a slurry with sbr and cement and paint it on before laying them on a sharp sand and cement screed.They aint ever popping like that.
  14. What did the do fire it from a Cannon?
  15. If you can find a good one.More old scatter bred shit about than proper bandogs
  16. Oddbod did have a dog ch chuckie and the Asian fella had a son of him ch chuckie JR but I think the dog in Ireland was a different Chuckie???
  17. Escoveitch fish,Brown stew chicken,Rice n Peas tonight and Jerk wings for pack up tomorrow.
  18. One of mine from a few years back.Real sensible bitch
  19. I wouldnt put up with any dog acting around me mate.Dont matter how good they are at their job the have to fit in with me,my family and other dogs
  20. Ive personally seen and been told of ch bulldogs that were safe around other dogs and pups unless it was time to go to work.A pal had a little very well known bitch that could be loose with and walked out with other dogs as long as they behaved but hold her between your legs and she'd go into anything.Another good friend who I met when I was a kid in the 80s had a ch dog that he could put in the back of his car with his 3 british bulldogs and take him down the park and he wouldnt look at another dog unless he spotted his own kind
  21. But who was line breeding them 20 years before the likes of CN?There may have been lads producing the odd dog but was there anyone breeding with as much consistency?
  22. And my little vespa Streetracer pretty much finished
  23. I wonder if him and Oddbod will meet up wherever the both are so Oddbod can finish off what he started in the interview room
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