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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Could be mate.Couldnt work out why the came in balls like that till I see a few wrapped up in 4s in a line and stunk of oranges
  2. Your right there mate but especially so with seeing the struggles she has everyday with things that most of us take for granted
  3. Well I always sat down and helped her with her homework till she got to about 9 and it got too hard for me.
  4. You're joking aint you.Im a f***ing thick builder
  5. Shes hoping to The Queen Elizabeth Grammer in Faversham.Especially as weve just found out that one of her very small group of friends that she will actually talk to has passed and is wanting to go there.
  6. I knew she had the academic ability mate it was just whether she let her nerves or stress get the better of her as despite getting all the love/care and help from everyone around her she really does have confidence and self doubt issues when she really has no need to.
  7. Just had an Email telling me that my daughter has passed her kent test with flying colours and that I can choose any of the Grammer schools in kent for her.Not bad for a kid with ASD and selective mutism who a couple of years ago I was worrying if she could continue with mainstream school.Gunna cost me a few quid this weekend I reckon.
  8. Really cant see what one of them big useless f***ing things could bring to a lurcher?They cant even walk properly let alone run
  9. Why would it,I'll tell you know they're gunna end up shit
  10. Big lumbering.Shitty comformationed bags of shit peddled by paki's
  11. The one that Scott had was a poor confimationed spastic.The one I had was a cracking looking thing that took to protection work like a duck to water but was a complete f***ing idiot around the house.Everyone I trained with thought I was mad when I got rid of it but like I said they only saw it once a week but I had to live with it for the other 6 and the one my brother had was a nervous bag of shit with skin problems.I was a bit hasty when I bought the pup as I was told a very good brother to my origional bitch and some good Hines blood that a very good knowledgable mate of mine started off wi
  12. Nope.Saw a few from the 3 or 4 litters it produced though.Even owned one from it for a very short while and my brother had one fom a different litter.
  13. I had an imported bitch about 20 odd years ago bred out of Alan scotts and sandvally stuff and she was super social,great with all other dogs.Very guardy and protective around the house and family although showed no interest in protection/sleeve work.Could hunt like a hound in the field but then Im pretty sure that a lot of that line had hound in them.Saw quite a few of the dogs that the early bulldog kennels over here had and there was a few decent dogs sent over but like anything else they had the arses bred out of them with no thought as to why or how.95% of them now are absolute shit.There
  14. Seen a few I liked the look of from them fellas but still wouldnt have one of the rank dominance things around me.Especially the ones with the black j7 blood in em
  15. Multiple generation banged out in a few short years for a quick buck.Just read the full advert merle to merle breeding too.What a c**t.Still some idiot will fall for the bollocks.
  16. Let the pakis keep them too.useless f***ing things
  17. Ive used it a couple of times on dogs if its been for very several cases of manage etc but its very hash and can do damage to the central nervous system especially if not dosed correctly.Seen lads who are just Happy to jab it in dogs willy nilly without trying a lot less harsher products first.Id only ever use it as a last resort
  18. Some good advice apart from the start jabbing it with Ivomec.Might also be worth clipping the hair over and around it to allow it to breath.
  19. Easier said than done when they're hiding outside your window bugging you
  20. More likely he just wants the payday.If it goes ahead it makes even more of a mockery of boxing than it already was
  21. Because they were done at different times.The one he failed in August was kept hushed up and doesnt get reporter to the governing bodies.If he is innocent why didnt they ask for the B simple to be tested straight away to clear his name instead of waiting well over a month.My guess is Benn and matchroom were hoping they could keep it hushed up.
  22. JR showing true class here.If this fight goes ahead I think he'll have a few more fans rooting for him now
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