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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. downsouth


    But laying underneath watching them shit is ok??Right??
  2. downsouth


    Only if theres fisting and choking involved
  3. Really????If Im out walking and a big cat jumps out and grab 9ne of mine Im f***ing off as fast as I can in the opposite direction whilst it still concentrating on killing the dog
  4. ???Im not that grumpy really mate.Just cant be arsed with bullshit and say it how I see it.
  5. Mate I dont claim to be an experts on bulldogs but Ive dipped my toe in the water in the past and been lucky enough to spend time in the company of and even be good friends with some very experienced and knowledgable lads over the years.Some of the stories them bitches were/are being sent over with are just plain laughable.Im not sure if they are just Happy to go with the bullshit as it helps sell pups to even less knowledgabe people and adds to the hype on fb and Instagram or if they just aint bright enough to work out just how ridiculous the stories are they're being spun
  6. Im on about most of the bulldogs being used.Sent over with silly stories behind them.There was A time I was regularly getting phone calls to pick my brains about pedigrees and opinions on bitches and proposed matings but I soon realised that I was better off not wasting my breath as it didnt matter what I said or called bullshit on they were gunna line it the second it came in season anyway and then place them in the hands of anyone that would take them anyway regardless of if they are experienced with that type of dog.
  7. Yeah.Think he shit himself and got rid of it as soon as it showed that presa male trait and started growing at him
  8. Probably because of the ammount of generations they've churned out and placed with any idiot that will the them on breeding terms.
  9. It aint as my bandog bitch here is not quite 8 and I already had her when them first breedings were taking place
  10. Well that was only maybe 7 years ago tops.And they're now 2 or 3 generation deeper on them.Thats why I lost interest in the pp scene.Even worse the dreamers and peddlers than the terrier and lurcher game.
  11. Seems the way everyones going now though.Some big whoppers being told about a lot of the bulldogs they're being bred out of though.A few of the people breeding them are ploughing through the generation too.seeing a few of these bull herder programme that are 4 or maybe even 5 generation deep and the foundation dogs are the same age as my bitch I have here.
  12. Dunno mate.I have no Intrest in what hes up to.I heard enough of his old bollocks to realise I couldn't believe a word that come out of his moth when he was trying to flogging one of them silly Serbian things
  13. Yeah that stupid bullshitting little midget was definitely one of the first.
  14. Well thats what youd get with a decent bandog if you could sift through the shit and find a decent one.Trouble is 90% of whats being peddled about as bandogs are complete rubbish.
  15. Yeah.Just a bandog type with a silly made up name.The first couple that came over here were brought over to apparently be the next best thing and ended up going through multiple hands.
  16. Yeah.Make me laugh how the phrases imported and Eastern European lines gets banded about like they're automatically gunna be something special.
  17. Most of them Dobermans are scatty shitbags.And being an import means f**k all as most of them are just imported from peddlers in Eastern Europe
  18. Exactly.A GSD isn't a fighting breed and An Akita aint gunna beat any proper fighting breed worth its salt.Bit of a pointless argument really.Bit like arguing over who'd win a boxing match out of a footballer and A judo player
  19. downsouth


    Well I got mostly smashed on pills,charly and absynth
  20. downsouth


    I watched a doc on 80s Synth music the other night and Midge said Prague but who cares it was a load of pretencious shit anyway
  21. downsouth


    Or the red light bar
  22. downsouth


    Yeah we was buying that from the fella who owns the Reggae bar in Samui last time we was out there.It made a nice change.Mellow and quite giggly.Just hope the Cali doesn't completely take over
  23. downsouth


    I think Thailand making it legal is the biggest surprise.My pals just got back and reckons its mental out there,Weed shops opened up everywhere.Wondering if I'll still be able to get a nice bit of thai weed out there now theyve all gone skunk mad
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