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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Did you not know that thats the crop the battle dogs used to have Gnash.I had one wally whos regarded as a top breeder in facebook circles tell ing me he has his bandogs cropped so nobody can grab their ears.I said "If I had a 120lb+ dog and someone could stop it by grabbi g its ears Id stick a bullet in the useless c**t.And if thats the case why doesn't he cut the big pointy ears of his malinoise?
  2. Heard all sorts of bullshit reasons given by loads of the wallys that have got into the bandog types in the last few years as to why theyve got their dogs cropped and none of them make any sense whatsoever
  3. I dont trust anyone that I dont know personally.For all I know you could be undercover old bill on here collecting evidence
  4. Good job hes given up the weed.Hopefully it will all be out of his system soon
  5. If anyones stupid enough to come on here blabbing about what theyre still doing it wouldnt be hard for the old bill to find out without having to put someone in undercover.And for that matter whos to say I or anyone else aint un undercover old bill.Surely if someones undercover they aint gunna come on admitting to being old bill as it kind of defeats the object of being undercover and surely people are less likely to tell them anything
  6. Undercover admitting to being ex old bill when he could come on here and pretend to be anything?And what would he be doing whilst undercover on here that anyone would have to worry about?
  7. I didn’t actually mean you mate
  8. If youve got a harris hawk playing up its time to give up???
  9. Spoke to a couple of lads recently that have been pinched with bulldogs on nothing more than circumstantial evident.Theyve been told by their breifs that hopefully theyll go to court before the new law comes in that means that anything to do with animal creuelty which will include setting a dog on a wild animal could carry up to a 5 stretch
  10. Ive also noticed that a lot of the It'll never stop me brigade never really did that much in the first place.
  11. Difference with hunting compared to gamedogs is you're out in the fields or woods for any nosey rambler to get straight on the blower.Thats without the trail cams that the antis are now very fond of.It wernt too many years ago that we'd dig on embankments on the side of the lanes round hereand if anyone asked what we was up to we'd say"just a bit of fox control"And if they kept on that would change to"piss off and mind your own business"but unfortunately Times,technology and laws are constantly changing.
  12. Men in the army are in there to earn a living.Most go in as a single man.And what do you mean hasnt happened to anyone in England Theres been plenty of lads banged up for digging over the years.And even if you do only get a couple of months thats still f***ing shit being banged up with a load of shitty little smackheads.Unless your life is that shit on the outside that your one of thes mongs that thinks jail is like a holiday camp.
  13. @mC Hull.So are your honestly saying that getting banged up over a poxy animal and not seeing your family everyday wiuldnt bother you?Have you ever spent any time in the shovel?
  14. Probably just tell em to shut up and show em the back of his hand like a real man
  15. Thats a real manly way of looking at things.They'll be alright she can look after them whilst Im banged up over a poxy old fox.Maybe send her out to work for a year as well when you csnt pay the bills coz your trucks been took along with your licence
  16. If it cant catch a bolted fox it aint really much of a terriermans dog is it?
  17. That or benefit dossers that have got nothing to loose anyway.
  18. Not just a matter of a 15quid fine now though is it.Big fines,motors confiscated and driving bans,few months in the shovel and Ive recently heard thal stretches with anything to do with so called animal cruelty are gunna be increase soon.whos gunna pay my bills and make sure my kid is fed and clothed when I cant get to work with no truck or license or Im chubbed up over a poxy fox?f**k that I had a good 30years at it with a couple of close calls when things were easier.Aint gunna see anything that I aint seen a hundred times before.Besides Im good for f**k all after a weeks graft these days an
  19. Jobs been f**ked for years now.Was lucky enough to work terriers from the late 80s up untill about 9years ago and can still remember lads when I first started telling me "its not like it was when we started.Wouldnt want the best terrier in the world given to me as a gift these days
  20. Why do you feel the need to bring abortion up on any thread you can shoehorn it into then?
  21. Never knew the Met police were in NI.Thought they stuck to London
  22. Imagine seeing that c**t coming towards you
  23. Busy writing up a dossier of all the information hes found out and codewords that hes worked out the true meanings of since being on here
  24. downsouth


    Up untill about 6weeks ago I got my eggs from a fella a couple of miles away who kept a good 100 free range chickens and few ducks and geese on his place as my daughter wont eat a supermarket egg.One day I called in and hed packed it all in because of the rise in price of chicken feed.Luckily theres a few people close by that have hens that still put a few out the front of their houses with an honesty box but its just a pain driving about getting 6 here and 12 there when I could just call at his and grab as many as I needed.
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