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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Coz a billy really takes some catching like a fox or deer.
  2. New toy bought last weekend.1968 vespa primavera smallframe.With a few special extras,Proper little rocket
  3. I dont think boar are any big test.Yeah they can be a bit rough but Ive known of complete curs that would grab and hold boar.Knew of on bitch that was very good on them that wouldnt even touch a poxy little fox single handed.
  4. Apparently thats when it works best.Something to do with endorphins and getting a rush.Shes tried getting me to go a few times but nah it aint a bit of me either.
  5. Im friends with a girl who is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.Shes been 100%clean now for 14years and swears one of the major things in her recovery and staying sober is that she swims in the sea in Margate every other morning 12 months of the year
  6. Im working for a woman at the moment who has played parts in Holby,Brookside and loads of other stuff.Been working on her gaff for 4weeks and worked on her fathers farm buildings for a few years and only found out the other day when I asked her what she did when she went off and lives in London all week
  7. What are the classing as hatefull material?
  8. It will give us all enough time to get to our fully equipped nuclear bunkers
  9. Just dont bother going to Koh Samui,Its been getting worse and worse there for years.Its now basically Asias Mallorca.My pals just got back who Ive been out there with a few times over the years and said Samui had the worst weed and the highest prices of all the Islands or mainland.
  10. Its everywhere mate.Coffee shop on every street.Bars selling it,Ice cream vendors selling it,People even selling it from stalls in their front gardens
  11. Wish people would stop mentioning gays or blacks on this forum.......Hopefully after a month all the boring fuckers that are constantly spouting a load of old bollocks but probably wouldnt say boo to a goose in real life would f**k off somewhere else
  12. Shows what a limp wristed bunch of twats are running this country.Dunno how that soppy looking c**t could bully or intimidate anyone.
  13. Ive seen staffords and pitbulls and even bull cross lurchers that could do that particular job as good as any of the wheatons I witnessed on my trips to Ireland and were much more level headed and balanced .The Wheatons I saw were all pretty much liabilities
  14. Thats one of the reasons that over the years Ive never seen the attraction with wheatons.Not been around loads but the few Ive seen have all been unstable around other dogs,livestock and some even around people once the were switched on or a bit wound up.Seen other breeds that could do the same job just as good or even better and were a lot more balanced and could be trusted in the the sutuations listed above.
  15. Hows a wheaton gunna catch a coyote though.
  16. By the ammount of shitty,totally ridiculous films they keep churning out about them there must still be enough sad f**kers out there that think they were something more that a bunch of roided up junkies who threw their weight around in a crappy little shithole of a town.
  17. If you need this type of dog in this day and age then you either need to take a long hard look at the terriers you are keeping or your own capabilities as a terrierman.
  18. Well they do say you can never trust a copper
  19. Was it CD or Boothy you was referring too mate?
  20. Like I said I only went on what colin told me but like I also said people say different things for one reason or another.Look how many different dogs theres been over the years that were supposedly bred one way then it comes out they were bred another.And just because he never told you he bred it doesnt mean he never told me he did.
  21. Wouldnt have mattered to boothy coz hed still have made everything out to be his own.And Brian could be the worst one for giving you a different version of a breeding each time you asked him and even making pedigrees up for dogs.I even made the mistake of telling him I started off with Gould dogs once and spent the next hour listening to him rant on about how he bred Smithy
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