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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. Just shows what people will do when they're so stinking rich that nobodys ever told them "dont be such a f**king idiot"
  2. I reckon they'll all sit around and ask themselves why they were so f**king stupid for a while first
  3. F**k em.Silly c**ts put themselves in that situation let them get themselves out of it.Theyre all absolutely loaded,they should have had all the relevant equipment and rescue teams at the ready.
  4. downsouth


    Probably the 2 Ive got now.Knocking on 50 and aint been without at least 2 dogs since I was at school.Be nice to not have to get up an hour earlier every morning through the winter and walk them before going on site all day or be able to just come in and do f**k all after a days graft if Im shattered.Or be able to just up and f**k off for however long I fancy.
  5. Testing their gameness and knowing if their game.Theyre lurchers ffs so theyre not gunna be game.Most bulldogs are curs when actually tested so once theyre crossed with a whippet or greyhound even if out of a real quality bulldog the resulting progeny aint gunna be game
  6. Nothing wrong with using a well bred bulldog out of stuff thats been used for the job theyre meant for.But to be going on about fast Lane type.That doesnt even make sense
  7. Oh yeah.Well you can go and stick your agreements where the sun dont shine.
  8. Even though they're Fast Lane?
  9. Whats up dont like being called out on your bulls**t..Serious fast lane dog.You can remember how it was bred but cant remember what it had done coz you wernt into all that ????
  10. Nope its not just you mate.Tried booking a couple of flights to Dam just before Easter to take my missus away for her birthday.Couldnt get a flight out of Gatwick,Southend or stanstead.Heathrow only at just over 200quid each 60quid each for a cabin case and around 150 quid to park fom tuesday to friday.80quid for a flight out of Gatwick before lockdown,Cabin case went free and about 70quid for valet parking for a long weekend
  11. Do you know what I was thinking exactly the same.If you can let someone on the internet bother you that much you must be pretty pathetic.Especially when you can just scroll straight past and ignore them.Makes you wonder how some people live day to day where they might actuall come into contact with arseholes in the real world.
  12. All the bull/whippets Ive seen including the ones from a litter I bred myself many years ago lacked pace and lacked size and power to get the job finished cleanly and efficiently
  13. Depends what you class as a decent bulldog I suppose?
  14. So it wasnt actually a fast land dog then as you put in your origional post then?
  15. If somebody is that serious and active with bulldogs to be owning something thats done enough to be classed as fast lane I doubt theyll be wanting to breed not very good lurchers.
  16. So what was the dogs record?winner,ch,gd ch?
  17. I doubt anybody with a true fast lane bulldog is gunna bother letting it get bred to a poxy whippet
  18. He was f**king shit though
  19. Always been munties up the A12 but I travelled down the A13 a couple of weeks back from the 25 to Southend and was shocked by the amount of munjack I saw splattered along there
  20. His first bulldog was a scatterbred bitch.He got in cotact with me origionally because I had a bitch bred by AS out of joshua/Sandvalley lines
  21. Plenty round here.Not as many as Id see back in the 80s but a lot of the land has gone from fruit orchards to arable so hedgerows and banks have been rabbit fenced but still seeing good numbers on my morning and evening walks around the orchards that are still here
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