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Everything posted by downsouth

  1. 1st Oxtober tomorrow and Ive got a Rose bush flowering in the garden.I cut back my raspberry plants 8 weeks ago and the new shoots are flowering and this morning out with the dogs Ive seen about a dozen baby rabbits that could barely be six weeks old.When I was a kid we'd start ferreting as soon as we went back to school after the summer holidays.
  2. f***ing word predict.Changed it from calmer
  3. Common thing with high drive herders.Seen a few mali's that would redirect to their handlers out of frustration if agitated and not given a bite imediately.Somethin you dont tend to see with the mastiff types as they are less eratic and have a lot calmer approach.
  4. Im pretty sure most of the idiots getting the XL bullys aren't serious dog lads.Most are just f**king divs that would blue staff,Red nose mutts,Merle whatevers if the XLs weren't about
  5. Ive been saying the same for years.Some of the origional bandogs I saw 10+ years ago when they were still in the hands of genuine enthusiasts were amazing dogs.Very capable guards but calm/sensible and very stable to go with it.Unfortunately they also became popular and idiots jumped on the bandwagon and started chucking any old shit together and calling them bandogs without understanding how a bandog should even behave.
  6. The bullys imported from the US were badly bred bags of S**t too.
  7. Yep and then they keep coming put with bulls**t reasons as to why their dogs need to be cropped rather than just admit that they think it looks tough
  8. I know people who think they're clever because theyve had foreign chips and snide import papers to go with pups theyve had cropped.Not gunna help them much if the RSPCA/plot etc have them DNAtested and also have the parentsgd parents that they also own tested.Been trying to explain for a few years to a some of the protection dog lads that once the fuckers have it in for you theull come at you from all angles but I reckon they thought I was exagerating.Theyve never had it like the terrier/lurcher/pitbull lads have for years
  9. Did she not think about that before she bought it?
  10. Most of the people Ive seen with them including a couple of mates have been anywhere between a bit overweight and fat F**kers and pretty unfit.They get these watched and start tracking their steps including shopping round tescos and going upstairs to the khazi belieing its gunna get them fit.I do more on my morning dog walk at 5.30 before going off and doing a days graft.When I collapse into bed each night completely f**ked I know Ive done enough without needing a silly watch to tell me
  11. Cant see the point in all this "How many steps have I done"Surely you know if youve been a lazy c**t or if youve been out and had a good walk without relying on a watch to tell you.
  12. Easy fix.Stop spending half the day on here and clean your house yourself
  13. Ill be up for a good bet.Ill supply the dog but you have to do it without a sleeve as you keep stating youd be able to do it if you was attacked.I take it you dont walk around everyday with 2 sleeves on your arms
  14. Exactly on the sleeve.Try it without a sleeve on and see what you do even with a mali let along a heavy bull blooded dog
  15. And he was lucky enough to be able to get to a kitchen knife.Thats what I was trying to say in an earlier post,If something 80lb+ with really bad intentions gets hold of you unless youre a freak strongman who can drag it to where you can grab a tool or you happen to have a knife in your hand youre pretty much f**ked as you aint got too much time before you just go into shock
  16. Lucky it was him and no Mchull they set about.He'd have chinned the pair of them before going over the field and knocking a horse out
  17. Finding Kimbo – Bully Watch BULLYWATCH.LINK At Bully Watch, we began delving into the pedigrees—essentially, the family trees—of dogs from... Interesting read
  18. What dogs do you have?Dont think Ive ever seen you mention them.
  19. But what if he hasnt done it and hes being set up to discredit and silence him.You must be able to see a pattern that all these blokes that are going against the norm and the powers that are pulling the strings whether you agree with their views or not are all conveniently getting accused a of rapes
  20. All these accusations between 2006 and 2013.Why wernt chatges pressed then?Or even go to the papers?Why is it only coming out now when hes got millions of followers on uncensored platforms and is speaking out against those that are pulling the strings
  21. Youd think with everything going on the last few weeks the Bully owners would want to keep thir nuts down.Just been into Canterbury today,A seriously busy city centre.And there it is,A soppy looking c**t in tracky bottoms and a vest literally being dragged along by an 80lb chocolate XL with the mandatory gold kerb chain collar with a stupid grin on his face like everyone who was looking at him like hes a prick should be really impressed.Not realising what a pathetic c**t a looked because he couldnt even control his own dog
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