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Everything posted by Gav

  1. A few weeks ago I mentioned to a few of you that I had sunk my tractor going out to cut the peats. The wife even rang Chris Evans on radio two and told him, he even asked "how the hell do you sink a tractor". Well it is quite easy here out on the bog. Anyway the kids are going away and we decided to empty their memory cards off their cameras so they can take loads of pictures while they are away, cutting to the chase low and behold our daughter had captured the sorry looking dexta sunk. I have been using this bit of the bog to get to the peats for a few years and although it is boggy h
  2. I have a HW95 and is well acurate and powerful, I am certainly happy with it and you can pick them up for around £200 new. You can see some acuracy shots on a recent post I made at : http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=55810
  3. Ohhhhh Sean mate, you have me all flustered now pal Any time mate you know that Thanks for the compliments too if I didn't know you better I would think you were after something
  4. Was posted here from youtube a few weeks ago but definatly worth watching again ...... and again. Deserved all he got Should probably be titled "how not to knock a wall down"
  5. Thanks goldenarms They would be good kill shots I find a shot placed just behind the eye of any pidgeon is instant death I should have stated I was using .22 accupels really too huh, seem to go well with my HW95
  6. Every holes a goal, up the anus makes you famous
  7. hey....if your ever down this way gav.............your more than welcome to come and watch......lol. sean I hope you mean watch you shooting and not any thing sexual mate
  8. I got one of these the other day as I been wanting one for a while. Anyway wanting to get it set up quick, but with sideways rain and backwards flying gulls, I sat at the window watching the weather thinking!! As it is I have an 18m barn, so out I go and after moving a lot of junk upstairs to the sides and screwing a 12mm bit of ply on the end wall I have a 15m indoor range After a few pellets to zero the scope I was getting pretty good results. I scanned these with red card behind so its pretty clear. Not bad for a springer huh ? I know its only plinking
  9. You are best looking and posting in this section for FAC related stuff mate : http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showforum=7
  10. Gav

    feckin scammers

    Had the same sort of thing when I tried to sell a mobly phone, I just marked it as unpaid and sold it to the next highest bidder. Think its second chance offer you can do if your happy with the price as you say you are, will save relisting and a bit of bother. Hope that helps. EDIT : I was typing the same as SHOT same time as he was posting a reply. Sorry to duplicate.
  11. No cap rule I have heard of in witherspoons too and its mainly so you can see the faces of the chavs that normaly wear baseball caps on the cctv, thats what my mate said that used to work for them anyway, if you think about it cctv cameras are normaly mounted high up so if people wear baseball caps it obscures their faces making any footage useless if they kick off after a shandy So I suppose in this case a jobs worth has made his/her mind up that its one rule for all.
  12. Top reply that JG, I couldn't have put it better myself. I have had dealings with the tax man years ago, being self employed on a 715 cert, I managed to get it sorted in the end, but the tax man is one not to mess with, they do have the power to seize any of your goods, house, car and any thing they can get money for. The courts dont like tax fiddlers/dodgers as thats where their wages come from.
  13. Nice intro and looks like your going about getting into the hunting game the right way. Always nice to hear someone getting insurance and getting sorted with permission and doing the gun club round, before jumping straight in. Have fun reading and welcome
  14. hey EVERYTHINGS my fault ( thats what head office says(the missus)) good reading though fella.............another trip down memory lane!!! sean Ohhhh yes Did I mention rainbow caili ... kaylie .. I cant spell it its been that long
  15. Gav


    "Silly season", it dont count here, I have just been out licking toads all night so dont ask me, I am with stupid ...... oh thats me :crazy:
  16. Reading ??? Only had about 12 hours sleep all week mate ... its all your fault .. I do appreciate it though WOOHOO
  17. Tizwas - swap shop ! Big daddy (shirley crabtree) and giant haystacks on saturday grandstand! Platform shoes. Proper flares ... High waisters ! Black skinheads ! Crombies! FREE SPEECH !!!!!!!! Miners strikes and power cuts at certain times. Every one used the school bus ! Sorry to bring this back to life but I said you unleashed a monster Sean mate, I cant sleep at night for thinking of things .... sad I know, you already told me
  18. Gav

    Handy tip!

    Right, the drying of the stock to the extent it may split has been bugging me, so I got a hold of the old boat builder I know he is eighty three and knows his stuff about wood etc, he also used to go shooting and had many a 12g, push come to shove I asked him about drying the stock out on a rifle his reply (roughly) "what a load of bollox, the stuff they use is hard wood, kiln dried and machined, what they hell is there to dry out on a hardwood stock, its already been dried and if it was going to split they wouldn't waste their time trying to make a stock out of it, besides that its then oiled
  19. I think if your used to .22 stick with it mate, you already know the limits so why change now? Hope I am making sense
  20. Gav


    PM IanB the admin for the site, I am sure he will be able to sort something out easily
  21. I dont know about this one (thats not why I am making a comment though), but if this is the case then surely it should be illegal to advertise insurance on the same grounds i.e. "Sheilas Wheels" etc, there is a lot of it about, targeting solely women. I do agree with sporting age though and it is just a marketing venture to attract more women members, but then again on the other hand they should justify it by having a mens discount day huh
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