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Everything posted by Gav

  1. Thats some bag, nice one
  2. Gav


    Floyd TOSH . The pink floyd was when Syd Barret formed them (without gilmore, he was a stand in later) once the inspiration of their main song writer Syd had a funny turn it was all down hill apart from wish you were here, which was written for/about Syd. Sorry to shit on your strawberries folks but get some proper floyd : piper at the gates etc etc theres lots to be had before they went commercial on us. FOOT NOTE : I do own most floyd albums though past and present ... hypercritical I know
  3. It all depends on what they can sell, butchers find it hard to sell rabbit these days, the amounts your talking I agree with bigredbusa, your going to have to find someone with the demand. Expect £1 - £1.20 per head I would think. You are going to have to dress them and fridge them too, don't forget there are certain health and safety/hygene rules too when selling to the general public!
  4. Well it was a gorgeous day here last night (and again today), so as the sun was slowly sinking into the sea and the wife was at home I thought I would head down to my permission to see if “BUGS†was playing out! I got all togged up and walked in the front room and asked the wife if it was ok (the point being I was already togged up hehe), she says “who said that†which lets me know that my camo gear is working well. I walked over the road, its pointless going in the car as I can spit that far if the winds in the right direction, and headed down the croft. Stopping about fifty fee
  5. Gav


    Why bother posting your views in general talk only for them to be deleted, even when they are not offensive or breaking any of the rules? Free speech PAH BUMHUG
  6. Plenty of people want to go knock on his door why not just post his address and have a few people knock on his door, will soon cough up then, but it is very hard walking to the post box with a cheque with no knee caps huh
  7. Some good comments so far. Has any one tried any thing that cost them an arm and a leg and it never worked? I seem to always be buying new pellets to try them out and then discover they are not as good as the ones I normally use in the first place I have a drawer full of tins I'll never use
  8. http://www.targetsports.co.uk they have some deals on at the moment on some harris bipods, good company to deal with too.
  9. Gav


    I had the privilege to meet him too at a steam rally some years ago, although I never spoke to him I sat and listened to him along with a lot of others. He had charisma in abundance, loved the work he did and made what he liked, interesting to others. He brought to life the age of steam and Victorian England through his total love of it all and his enthusiasm is what made it interesting to others. A TRUE LEGEND R.I.P Fred.
  10. Your right about nut behind the butt, I have seen kids with fair ground rifles still with a chain attached that can bring a bag full home. The thing is even if you could shoot the nuts off a gnat at 3 miles, then someone said that by having this bit of kit for £xxxx you could choose which nut to take, left or right at the same distance, would you go out of your way to try and get that expensive bit of kit, or be happy that you could just take the nuts off a gnat at 3 miles?
  11. Actually how far can we go in our sport/hobby? With the things available today we can all spend a fortune on the perfect shot, pay hundreds or sometimes thousands on the best up to date rifles, scopes and mounts, pellets and various other equipment. Tuning our rifles, specific oils and lubricants, even washing and lubricating our pellets just to get that extra bit of accuracy. I don’t doubt that most of this does improve or maybe will improve our performances, but when is it time to call it an obsession and not a sport/hobby. How far have you gone? What have you tried that i
  12. The ex'wifes mother told me she went to the Isle of Man for a fortnight one week, that had me stumped for a while
  13. The crofters here are very funny about giving permission, unless you know them very well its impossible for them to give any thing here. The only reason I got permission there is he is a very good friend and years old and I help him out with various things. Strange how the pictures don't load for you. Here are direct links hope these work. http://gavinmanby.co.uk/hlpics/1.jpg http://gavinmanby.co.uk/hlpics/2.jpg It did just happen to me too, I hit F5 to refresh the page and they loaded ok then. Thanks for the suggestions though
  14. Simply yes, the only way to find out by how much really depends on what your shooting. The best way to find out is to zero at a set range what your used to shooting at, then try shorter of further distances, you will soon find out how much you have to alter the angle of your shot for different distances. Most scope reticles have different markings so you can judge the elevation and windage without having to alter them manually on the scope itself.
  15. Myself and the wife went for a walk around my permission yesterday afternoon, we took the dogs and the toddler so didn't take my rifle as it was Sunday as well, more for just a reccy really, see what was going on. I don't actually know the acreage, its 60-70 feet across and a good mile (if not more) long. After last year I just left it, as the rabbit population on it really took a dive, so not wanting to wipe them out completely it was decided to let them repopulate. About ¾ of the way down is a bit of a ruined wall where I can get some good cover (you can't see it in the pictures as I wa
  16. Thats Kevin bloody Wilson not chubby brown
  17. Its just got to be aliens, i have been kidnapped by them many times now and the noise you describe is their mating call .. they must have fancied you they must have had their own reasons for this :drag:
  18. You can also work out your ft/lbs with the grain and velocity, I did have a site bookmarked with a good calculator on it but it seems to have dissapeared ..
  19. Its a good job you wern't after eating them +*#SPLAT#*+ good pics and bloody nice shot
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