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Everything posted by Gav

  1. Gav


    I thought it was slag? We all call stuff different names depending where we're from though. let's go down the snicket, ginnel etc ?
  2. Not fiddling when they blatantly rig the postal votes for thier own gain, that's plain cheating!
  3. http://chng.it/FPC4Q7Cxtd They normally make no difference these things but worth a try to get it looked into, or just for a read of the comments.
  4. Gav


    Dross is used regular here, it's the dust off coal and around £4 a bag, burns well and if you have a hydraulic ram your laughing, normally just stick in a plaggy bag an leave on the stove over night, saves banking it up. I'm on your side too with ns, sure the squaddies would have fun kicking the kids (scum) into shape! What else could we do with vermin of today, let them stab each other out, or send them to the front line with they're kitchen knives ?
  5. I have one of those gen 3 Jim shockey trigger stick thingy ma jiggers, bloody good aint they ? An like I'm constantly telling the brats here "put that sodding phone down", if I need to get everyone together in this house, I switch the router off and wait, doesn't take long ? perhaps those cubs were watching Netflix ?
  6. Gav


    Bring it on, about time this planet had a good cull!
  7. ? ? ? Brilliant! I ran out of reactions to give already today ?
  8. Oh and liquid smoke I bought mine on amazon, its expensive but is very nice and lasts an age as you use very little.
  9. Brass cartridges for reloading. I sonic clean them after firing then dry them in my dehydrator before tumbling clean ?
  10. I use mine for drying me brass now after my teeth ain't fit to chew anything these days. My Mrs was the same too, sick of the fridge being full of tubs of different trials. At least it's still used and dries brass well in twenty minutes ?
  11. I'm not surprised the magpies never returned if you were doing the same grimace at them. I bet you didn't actually shoot that, you grimaced it to death, you scoundrel ????
  12. Doesnt get dark at all now until septemberish, will be out red bashing in a couple of weeks at 1am till 3am ?
  13. Still like winter here, stoves not been out yet, on the plus the midges aint been out too ?
  14. Honestly the worlds gone bloody mad! They'd be complaining about having nothing to complain about if they got a chance, mad as a box o frogs the lot of em.
  15. Got an A-tec wave on mine, does the job and paid £30 for it.
  16. Oh I can see Mr Sausage jumping up and down smacking his thighs in his dressing gown ???
  17. Barrett m82, nothing gets up after been hit with one ?
  18. Oh goody another mouse gun on the loose ? Good news man, have fun ?
  19. Yes, I bet that taught the dirty rotters a thing or two , hey! They won't bother you again now after such a stern telling off, good on you old chum ?
  20. And now I have a Sweet song in my head for the day, thanks, for fox sake! ?
  21. Making it up as he stumbles along, hypocritical twatt he is
  22. I find it turns them inside out very well at 1000yds ?
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